The seperation between what's fake and what's real
In b4 'when black on black crime happens someone goes to jail' 'we want the cops to face justice'
we want to prevent black on black crime from happening not simply send more negros to jail
yet you negros totally forget the prison industrial complex
the inability to address black on black on crime makes the man rich
Employs whites (the majority and blacks across the country as C/O's)
everybody gets a prison kickbacks.....license plates, phone companies, prison building,
a pay phone in jail makes 15,000 a year....a damn payphone.
how many small towns in middle america are kept afloat because they have a local state or federal prison full of negros that need to be watched....giving the uneducated white man a job all over the country
literally making white folks rich because yall dont seem to see the need for it to be addressed....i dont get it
yall claim yall against white supremacy but yall let them get rich off our people in prison's backs....
black on black crime and how we deal with ourselves is and should be our biggest concern....
Yet its only #blacklivesmatter when dealing with white folks......
we want to prevent black on black crime from happening not simply send more negros to jail
yet you negros totally forget the prison industrial complex
the inability to address black on black on crime makes the man rich
Employs whites (the majority and blacks across the country as C/O's)
everybody gets a prison kickbacks.....license plates, phone companies, prison building,
a pay phone in jail makes 15,000 a year....a damn payphone.
how many small towns in middle america are kept afloat because they have a local state or federal prison full of negros that need to be watched....giving the uneducated white man a job all over the country
literally making white folks rich because yall dont seem to see the need for it to be addressed....i dont get it
yall claim yall against white supremacy but yall let them get rich off our people in prison's backs....
black on black crime and how we deal with ourselves is and should be our biggest concern....
Yet its only #blacklivesmatter when dealing with white folks......