White privilege gives them the feeling that black people use the white people are racist card all the time. I don't think we call out white people for being prejudice enough. What I saw on that video was a white lady trying justify wrong doing no matter how she tried to sugar coat it in the end. Should the police officer been fired for choke slamming that young lady, yes. Because if that had of been a white girl there would have been outrage and discord. It's true that all lives matter, but not when your people are being mistreated. We don't see any videos of white people being gunned down or white children being slammed to the ground all because they wouldn't get off their cell phone. It's a right and wrong way to go about doing things... and the way that the officer handled that young lady was just wrong.
I don't like when whites try to tell us about our culture. Have you been black? Have your ancestors been in America for hundreds of years and you still feel like you don't belong here? Nope, you haven't. You may can empathize with black people and our plight, but you can never tell us how we should feel.