Black economics and war


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
Based on this message by this brother here.....

Common sense says the only possible way it would accomplish anything of worth is if some mega paradigm shift takes place in which the U.S. cant retaliate with sheer overwhelming force. By that I mean something along the lines of:

1. Total economic collapse. Not a recession, and not a depression, cause wartime tends to be a stimulus rather than an economic drag. The U.S. Outspends other countries in military might for very specific reasons, one of which is to throw its dikk right on the plate of anyone else eating. For the sake argument, lets say the plot is to drop a few specific location on some agitative shyt. Assuming the US doesnt catch wind via surveillance or snitching, any act of terrorism(which it would be) makes things escalate from a local law enforcement issue to an Executive Branch issue, brought to you by the Commander-in-chief. Game the fukk over. What wont be hit militarily will be hit economically through no-fly zones and sanctions, crippling the commerce of whatever funds such foolishness. Best believe countries would give that shyt up quick in order to not fall under economic sanction.
Anyone smaller than Russia or China is not saying no to the USA. Unless the USA is flat broke Nd fighting multiple enemies on all fronts, aint no baby strike gonna go without severe consequences, probably snuffing the independence right out from folks, again, possibly under simple drone strikes. The game has changed. There is no winning when you try to take the weapons route.

In fact, thats all the example I need. Any moves toward a mindset change that could accumulate the kinda wealth to pull that shyt off would immediately come under INTERNATIONAL scrutiny, even if the entire diaspora came together. Folks dont seem to remember how dirty the government can do folks. There is no winning, under the current economic system, when it comes to war. Before computers and the kinda shyt the US got today, maybe. Now? Nope. Especially with fiat currency. The world markets and deny your shyt outright, or refuse trade wit nations that deal in alternate currency that they cant profit from. There is so much more to consider that I wonder if anyone here has taken even a passing interest in economics and warfare.

Is there no hope for liberation of black people in Amerikka?

If so what is a strategy that wouldn't take 800 years?

Should all self defense strategies be off the table?

Would group economics even work to change the social conditions, stigma, racial politics, and police war?


Nov 26, 2014
Based on this message by this brother here.....
Is there no hope for liberation of black people in Amerikka?

Is not so much a question of whether there is hope not. For, there is ALWAYS hope I suppose.

If so what is a strategy that wouldn't take 800 years?

North "America" sphere, as far as I am concerned is a spoil of war. Then surely it's only logical that African descendants in "America" demand ITS share of the lot accordingly.

Should all self defense strategies be off the table?

Would group economics even work to change the social conditions, stigma, racial politics, and police war?


Now, suppose your share of the lot is a success. Are you then under the illusion of the evil that be will sit idle by while the "blacks" flourish??

I suppose I don't know much about LIFE. What I do know though, Is that the "blacks" will never be at peace of mind until the "whites" have been completely and utterly obliterated.[/QUOTE]