Bird ODs on Pills dumped in Park :deadgoose:


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets



First, someone had inexplicably dumped hundreds of prescription pills on the grounds of Carr Park in Huntington Beach, where children play and animals roam. Second, a Canadian goose that apparently ingested some of the medications lay feet up in the grass.

On Monday, Dec. 17, a good Samaritan who spotted the sick bird called Orange County Animal Control, which in turn contacted the Wetlands & Wildlife Care Center. Both the goose and another ailing bird, a ring-billed gull, have spent the week recuperating there.

“The two patients are on the road to recovery,” said Lisa Peronne, wildlife manager for the Huntington Beach center.

The victims are undergoing intravenous flushing to detoxify their bodies, Peronne said.

“We expect to release the goose the day after Christmas at Central Park,” she said. “The smaller bird will take a little longer.”

They came to the center with a host of health problems, Peronne said, including lack of muscle control and neurological ticks. The goose was unable to stand.

“It’s hard to say whether they would have died without intervention, but that’s likely the case,” Peronne said. Even if they naturally could bounce back from the drug overdose, she said, “their condition opened them up to secondary dangers, such as not being able to get away from predators.”

The pills apparently were a mix of sedatives and other medications. Huntington Beach Police Officer Angie Bennett said the incident is under investigation.

“I have no idea what that person was thinking,” she said. “The pills look like candy. I’m super-grateful that children were not involved.”

Clearly, the pills were attractive to the birds.

“Gulls love to pick up bright objects,” Peronne said. “Birds will nibble anything in a pile.”

Peronne said the city quickly cleaned up the medications after their discovery. However, she noted, a few pills could have been left behind.

“My biggest message is to keep an eye out for any animals exhibiting unnatural behavior, as though they are drunk,” Peronne said.

For now, she is relieved that the gull and goose are regaining strength.

“I have never seen anything like this,” Peronne said about the massive dumping of pills. “It’s bizarre.”

They were probably tripping balls. That pic tho:deadmanny: