Bill Cosby truth thread UPDATE: Found guilty on all charges 4/26

Apr 3, 2014
damn shame.

all black men are guilty in America, whether there's proof or not.


Will update with the actual statements as soon as they're released

mainstream media makes me :mjlol: and :francis: at the same time

Cosby's lawyers have already proved 5 of the accusers to be liars in court, but the media ain't even reporting this. Found this small indie news org that's putting out truth (@ycnewsnetwork) on Twitter

Cosby prosecutor flying in wanted prostitute to testify against comedian – YC.NEWS

Cosby prosecutor flying in wanted prostitute to testify against comedian
YC Investigates obtained documents that indicate one of the accusers set to testify, Chelan Lasha, has an active warrant out for her arrest stemming from her second prostitution conviction.

According to court documents, Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele will be calling a convicted prostitute to the stand to testify against comedian Bill Cosby during the upcoming trial.

Chelan Lasha, an accuser who appeared at a press conference with attorney Gloria Allred, claims Cosby assaulted her in 1986 in his Las Vegas hotel room. According to, Lasha changed into a robe, wet her hair and posed for modeling shots when Cosby pinched her nipple :russ: (where do they come up with this) and humped her leg.

Documents exclusively obtained by YC indicate that Chelan has an active warrant out for her arrest in Arizona stemming from ditching a diversion program in 2009 in connection to her second prostitution conviction.

Chelan was previously convicted for false reports, criminal trespassing, possession of a weapon, disorderly conduct and fighting.

The convicted prostitute will be housed with the other witnesses, in a luxury hotel just a few miles from the courthouse with all expenses covered by the taxpayers of Montgomery County.

Chelan was subsequently arrested again in 2007 for false reports and trespassing, where she pled guilty on both counts in Arizona. Her third arrest came in 2008 where she was charged for assault, disorderly conduct, fighting and trespassing.

That same year, Chelan was charged and convicted for her second-offense of prostitution – and fifth criminal conviction.

In 2014, Chelan faced her sixth encounter with law enforcement after being charged with possession of a weapon in California.

Thomas Mesereau delivers powerful opening statement; paints Constand as an inconsistent money-hungry con artist – YC.NEWS

Thomas Mesereau delivers powerful opening statement; paints Constand as an inconsistent money-hungry con artist

“You will be saying ‘what does she want from Cosby?’” Defense attorney Thomas Mesereau told jurors as he started his opening statement. “Money, money and lots more money.”

As Mesereau spoke, it was almost like a flashback to Michael Jackson’s trial in 2005, painting accuser Andrea Constand as someone who wanted to further her career by any means necessary, even if it included creating a story of a sexual assault that the defense stresses never happened.

Here’s the rundown of the 45-minute opening statement delivered by Mesereau Tuesday morning.

Money, Money, and Lots More Money

“She knew Cosby was extremely wealthy,” Mesereau said. “She learned that he donated over $100 – $200 million to charity. Her attitude was: I could become a multimillionaire. It’ll be a drop in the bucket to him and he wouldn’t want to fight it – and he didn’t want to fight it. He didn’t want to fight it. This was a paltry sum to avoid this and look what it turned out to. He’s not afraid of it. It’s not fun. This man deserves some vindication in this case because this case is nonsense.

She always complained about money. Lots of complaints about money — a history of financial problems until she hits the jackpot with Cosby. She stayed with people in college, stiffed them on utility bills, phone bills and credit cards.”

(these hoes man :snoop:)

“The prosecutor told you about the settlement. What he didn’t spend much time on is what’s contained in the settlement agreement,” Mesereau continued, displaying the agreement Constand entered with Cosby to jurors. “The entry of this confidentially agreement and release, does not constitute an admission of guilt by Cosby of any liability, wrong-doing or fault, with respect of claims that were made by Constand.

The entry of this confidentially agreement and release, does not constitute an admission by Cosby of any liability, wrongdoing or fault, with respect of claims that were made or could’ve been made by Constand whose merits they strenuously deny.”

Mesereau emphasized that the two entered the confidential agreement solely in order to settle claims whose merits Cosby denied purely to avoid expense, annoyance of further litigation and publicity.

Mesereau pointed out several contradicting, inconsistent statements Constand gave to authorities in Canada, Montgomery County Detectives and Cheltenham Police. Further, Mesereau told jurors that Constand took two courses in sexual assault, stating she was very “sophisticated” in this area. “She knew exactly what she was doing, and members of the jury, she pulled it off,” he told jurors.

Mesereau told jurors if they compared the statements, they’d find “a con artist.”

“All of a sudden, she talks to a bunch of lawyers in Philadelphia who she called before the police, and didn’t tell police that. All of a sudden she says ‘I left Temple because Bill Cosby assaulted me.’

I want my lost wages. She made statements under oath that she really liked her job at Temple – that it was a good job at Temple, that it was a good job for her. Her emails and correspondences conflict that at every stage.”

Constand testified that Cosby allegedly unbuttoned her pants and touched her, not sexually, but suggestively, and when she stopped him he walked into the kitchen. She left ten minutes later, according to her testimony at the previous trial.

Mesereau emphasized that if Constand was not interested in a relationship with Cosby, only one thing would keep her going back, money. “The question for you is, if this happens and you’re not interested, and you don’t want it to happen, why do you keep going back, and back, and back, and back and back? Because there’s something you want. I wonder what it is?” Mesereau told jurors. “She’s now a multi-millionaire because she pulled it off.”

According to Mesereau, there were approximately 57 telephone calls following the deposition between January – March of 2004, Constand making 40 of them.

“The prosecution is in a pickle because how can you explain all this? What they’re going to do is put on an expert, you know what the experts going to tell you?” Mesereau said. “Contact like this after an assault is normal, but no contact is normal. Going back to the scene of the assault is normal, but not going back is normal. Giving gifts to the man that assaulted you is normal and not giving gifts is normal. That’s the stuff you’re going to hear.”

“He confided to her. He was lonely and troubled and he made the terrible mistake by confiding in this person with what was going on in his life. He confided in her. Not one time did he go to see her,” Mesereau continued. “It was always her going to see him. She didn’t only drive to his house 6 or 7 times, snuck through the backdoor and had wine. She not only drove to his house 6 or 7 times, he had an appearance at Foxwoods Casino and she drove 4 ½ – 5 hours to Connecticut,” Mesereau said, “she had dinner with Cosby and the CEO of the resort, Constand walked out of the room, walked back to her room then snuck up to his room and got in bed with him. Now the details always change when she describes this. They didn’t have sex but he fiddled with her leg she said.”

Treacherous Hollywood

“Members of the jury, one thing you’re going to learn in this courtroom is that Hollywood is a treacherous place. If you’re a young star, everyone wants a piece of the action.” Mesereau told jurors. “Everybody’s your friend, everybody knows you, everybody wants a handout, and everybody wants to meet a producer, director or an agent. Everyone wants a loan [and] when you don’t do it, they’re angry.”

“On at least 6 occasions she roomed with a Temple University employee named Margaret “Margo” Jackson. Mrs. Jackson has worked at Temple for 32 years with a masters in education counseling and psychology. 6 times they roomed together. Andrea Constand arranged those rooming schedules,” Mesereau told jurors.

“During away game in Rhode Island they had a conversation. They were watching the news. A celebrity had been accused of sexual assault. After they watched that newscast, Constand told Jackson ‘I was assaulted’” Mesereau continued.

“Margo who had experience of counseling victims of sexual assault had a bad feeling. Something was wrong with her demeanor. She decided to question her further.

She had a further discussion and Constand asked her why do so many of these women make claims of sexual assault, Margo said some of them want money,” Mesereau said. “She looked at her and asked were you really assaulted? She said ‘no, I could say I was, I could set up a celebrity and get a lot of money for my education and open up a business.”

trust these hoes BREHS :snoop:
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Apr 3, 2014
Cosby accuser raises reasonable double on stand, stating a friend gave her quaaludes – YC.NEWS

“Who gave you the Quaaludes?” Comedian Bill Cosby’s defense attorney Tom Mesereau asked Janice Baker-Kinney. “Bill Cosby,” she replied quickly. Mesereau asked again rapidly, “No, who gave you the Quaaludes? You said you took a Quaalude before the party,” taking a short but noticeable pause before asking again: “Who gave you the Quaaludes?”

Baker-Kinney, slowly putting her head down quietly answered, “a friend.”

Mesereau cross-examined Janice Baker-Kinney, who alleges Cosby assaulted her in 1986 while working as a bartender at Harrah’s casino in Reno when she said a co-worker invited her to a pizza party at his home.

“You kept a souvenir of the man you say assaulted you in your collection of souvenirs?” Mesereau curiously asked Kinney-Baker. Her response? “Yes.”

“You went to several parties, correct?” Mesereau asked. “Yes, a few,” Kinney-Baker replied.

“You told police you had experimenting with drugs your whole life?” Mesereau asked. “In high school after I smoked a little pot I probably tried something called, I guess, uppers, a couple of times.” Kinney-Baker replied. “I wasn’t an everyday drug addict, just on the weekends.”

Mesereau: “Did you use cocaine?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “I did but not then. I used cocaine later on in life.”

Mesereau: Did you tell police that you had experimented with drugs around this period?

Janice Kinney-Baker: I told police that I experimented with drugs. I was not using cocaine at that party of before that party. It wasn’t like I was a major drug addict. It was recreational use. I’ll tell you what I did have a problem with, and that was alcohol, and I haven’t had a drink or a drug in over 20 years.

Mesereau: But Mrs. baker-Kinney, you told police in one of your interviews you had experimented with drugs in your younger years, correct?

Janice Kinney-Baker: I did! I smoked pot in high school. That was my younger days.

Mesereau: You told them [the police] you took LSD in 1974.

Janice Kinney-Baker: I did! That was my younger days. There was not much else to do there except go to work and hang out with all the other single people, so, I did drugs, in my younger days. I tried pot in high school. I tried LSD in high school. I had a roommate who sold cocaine when I lived n Reno, who I moved out from because of that reason. I did not do cocaine while I was living in Reno.

“I really got fukked up and slept with Bill Cosby.” Mesereau stated, asking Baker-Kinney if she remembers making that statement to her roommate.

Mesereau, stating that Kinney-Baker didn’t realize she was sexually assaulted until seeing other women claim Cosby drugged and sexually assaulted them, brought up the #MeToo movement. “Did anyone suggest you use one word opposed to another word? Did Allred decide what words you were going to use?” Mesereau asked.

“Things that are happening today that are in the news, things I’m sure many of us heard about. People feeling empowered enough to come forward about things that happened to them, feeling their strength,” Kinney-Baker continued. “I too was in the same position. I too did not live for many years. I too didn’t consider it sexual assault or rape because, women tend to blame themselves when things like this happen.”

“What you did then was you went to attorney Gloria Allred?” Mesereau asked, dropping the name of famed women’s rights attorney.

“No,” Kinney-Baker quickly replied. “I did not, in the way you’re insinuating.”

Mesereau: “Does she not represent you currently?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “She represents me, not legally, but for media.”

Mesereau, baffled by her response, replied “Oh. Tell us about that. She represents you for the media appearances?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “Yes.”

Mesereau: “And you pay her?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “No.”

Mesereau: “Does the media pay her?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “No. Not that I know of.”

Mesereau: “When did you hire Gloria Allred?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “I didn’t hire her.”

Mesereau: “When did Gloria Allred hire you?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “She did not hire me.”

Mesereau: “When did someone hire somebody so you could end up with a relationship with Gloria Allred?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “There’s no hiring.”

Mesereau: “You’re issuing releases in the name of Gloria Allred, correct?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “No. It’s in my name but she’s my contact attorney.”

Mesereau: “When did she become your contact attorney?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “A couple years ago.”

Mesereau: “Around the same time you decided Mr. Cosby was responsible not you? correct?

Janice Kinney-Baker: “Correct.”

Mesereau: “Are you familiar with a $100 million program Gloria Allred is trying to put in effect?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “I am not.”

Mesereau: “Have you ever heard of it?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “I don’t know what it’s about, no.”

Mesereau: “Are you familiar about it?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “No.”

Mesereau: “Did she ever talk to you about it?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “No.”

Mesereau: “Did you ever talk to her about it?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “No.”

Mesereau: “Has she ever talked about representing you in any litigation against Bill Cosby?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “No.”

Mesereau: “Your lawyer, Mr. Allred, has been in the press saying ‘why don’t we just forget about the statute of limitations, lets have a big arbitration and lets put millions of dollars on the table so everybody gets paid, correct?”

Janice Kinney-Baker: “Oh, that, I did hear about that.”

that exchange :wow: Mesereau is a law wizard :whew:

Tom Mesereau continues cross-examination of Janice Baker-Kinney, focuses on Gloria Allred – YC.NEWS

Kinney Baker: “Correct.”

Mesereau: “You indicated that you had heard of a proposal Gloria Allred made where she was inviting Cosby to put $100 million into a fund, the statute of limitations would be waived and an arbitrator would be chosen to decide whether her clients deserved money, correct?”

Baker-Kinney: “I think so. I think I heard about it – on the news or glanced on it in a newspaper. Not sure how I heard about it.”

She was asked, over and over again, why she had retained attorney Gloria Allred (a series of questions the defense team has asked every witness who has worked with Allred so far). Baker-Kinney was asked about telling her roommate at the time, “I really got fukked up last night and slept with Bill Cosby.”

“She [Allred] was your lawyer in interviews with Cheltenham Police Department and the Montgomery County District Attorneys Office, correct?” Mesereau asked. “On the phone, once.” She responded.

Mesereau: “What do you mean on the phone once?”

Baker-Kinney: “Which police department?”

Mesereau: “The Cheltenham Police and Assistant District Attorney Feden. She [Allred] represented you in those conversations, true?”

Baker-Kinney: “I think we did a phone interview once and it was a conference call. We never met in person.”
Mesereau: “What do you mean ‘we never met in person’?”

Baker-Kinney: “With the police. She was not with me, she was on a conference call.”

“According to police, Gloria Allred was present and you agreed to provide your address and contact information to the police through Ms. Allred. That was not for a media appearance, was it?” Baker-Kinney replied, “Correct.”

“We were just making sure that everything I said was correct and I wasn’t getting tricked up.”

“You authorized a statement [to police] with the assistance of Ms. Allred, Correct?”

Baker-Kinney agreed, stating that was true.

“If she was only your media lawyer, why did you need her for the police and the district attorney?” Mesereau followed up.

“When I did my initial press release with Ms. Allred, I wanted to have her by my side for anything else I said that could be released to the press, [or] talked to [with] the press. She wasn’t hired as a legal attorney. We were just making sure that everything I said was correct and I wasn’t getting tricked up.”

“You were worried you were going to get tricked up by the Cheltenham Police Department?” Mesereau asked, almost shocked.

:laff: got eeeeeeem

“No. I know they’re not media. She was just representing me every time I spoke to someone and that was mostly media. She was my contact for anybody to get a hold of me. So if the police wanted to get a hold of me, from Cheltenham, they would’ve contacted Gloria.” Baker-Kinney replied.

“Well, if you weren’t using her for anything but media, why did you agree that she would be the one to give your contact information to Assistant District Attorney Feden and Cheltenham Police? Why?” Mesereau asked.

“I’m assuming the Cheltenham Police contacted her to find me. I don’t know. I can’t answer that. She has never been paid by me. She doesn’t pay me. There’s no money involved. I just signed something that said she would be there for me for media appearances.” Baker-Kinney told Mesereau as she looked over to Allred in the gallery of the Court.

“You never paid her, which I suspect is very true, but.” Mesereau continued, with Baker-Kinney adding, “It is very true.”

“But, if she puts this $100 million fund together, she would normally get 30% – 40% of that fund?” Mesereau asked. “I don’t know her percentage, you have to ask her.”

“You never talked to her about it?” Mesereau asked. “I never talked to her about it.”

these hoes BREHS

keep ya head up Cos. Wicked devils tryna bring you down but God is on your side :salute:


May 27, 2012
That's how i know most of you are cacs:hhh:

None of it made sense, y'all just wanted his money back in white hands before he dies :hhh:

B b but if 30 accused him he has to be guilty:usure:

Words a black man in America would never say:hubie:fukk y'all cosby haters
I'm out:manny:


Nov 18, 2016
The people who think that Cosby is guilty, based on the evidence presented, fall in a few groups...
  1. Women who have been raped and are misdirecting their aggressions, towards their abuser, to Cosby
  2. Family & friends of rape victims who feel guilty for not believing said rape victims, so they are using Cosby to ease their conscious
  3. Extreme feminists who don’t know the difference between victim shaming & completely coddling women to the point where you diminish women’s agency in their own lives
  4. People who want Cosby to be guilty because they are upset about a non relevant Pound Cake speech that was nothing more than common sense rhetoric from an old man
I may have missed a few groups. But the common thread connecting each group is that none of them can have an objective thought concerning this matter.
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Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Bill Cosby accuser admits concocting story for memoir

(Janice dikkenson - they're purposely not using her name so you can't google search the shyt.)

Holding up a copy of her book, Mesereau cited passages in which she described rebuffing Cosby’s advances in Lake Tahoe, then “popping two Quaaludes and going to sleep” alone in her own hotel room.

dikkinson acknowledged that she concocted stories in the book in order to get a much-needed paycheck.

"It's all a fabrication there because I wanted the paycheck for my kids," dikkinson testified, adding that her ghostwriter took "poetic license” with her life story.

Seizing on her answer, Mesereau replied, “So you made things up to get a paycheck?”

Appearing angry, dikkinson responded, "They weren’t there! And you weren’t there! And I’m telling the real story!"
Apr 3, 2014

the fact that this hoe thinks that this makes sense.

"bu bu bu bu he put his hand on my thigh and started unbuttoning my pants... I let him know I wasnt interested... well yeah I went back and kept hanging with him cause he was well respected and a community leader and I wanted his help..."

:mjlol: Mesereau gon eradicate this beige heffa when it's his turn

on another note


:hhh: really Dr. Huxtable? Really?

that's probably the worst part of this.... having it out in the public that you messed around with this ugly hoe :picard:

from the min she walk in the courtroom, folks probably look at Cosby like :what:


Mar 11, 2015
The people who think that Cosby is guilty based, based on the evidence presented, fall in a few groups...
  1. Women who have been raped and are misdirecting their aggressions, towards their abuser, to Cosby
  2. Family & friends of rape victims who feel guilty for not believing said rape victims, so they are using Cosby to ease their conscious
  3. Extreme feminists who don’t know the difference between victim shaming & completely coddling women to the point where you diminish women’s agency in their own lives
  4. People who want Cosby to be guilty because they are upset about a non relevant Pound Cake speech that was nothing more than common sense rhetoric from an old man
I may have missed a few groups. But the common thread connecting each group is that none of them can have an objective thought concerning this matter.

I'm number 4,but I don't think he's guilty and I support Cosby,some of us can't be put in a box.

Cosby needed a wakeup call,but not like this:francis:

Can't forget 5)People who think he is guilty just because if so many women are saying it,he must have done at least one.

People are not realizing money is involved here,this is a class action lawsuit all of these women want a part of. These aren't a bunch of women with nothing to gain accusing a random nobody,who have to go through the long hard proccess real rape victims have to go through. Interrogation,rape kits etc,these women went straight to the top right to CNN,magazine articles where they were all believed no matter the lack of credibility they had:martin:
Apr 3, 2014
I'm number 4,but I don't think he's guilty and I support Cosby,some of us can't be put in a box.

Cosby needed a wakeup call,but not like this:francis:

Can't forget 5)People who think he is guilty just because if so many women are saying it,he must have done at least one.

People are not realizing money is involved here,this is a class action lawsuit all of these women want a part of. These aren't a bunch of women with nothing to gain accusing a random nobody,who have to go through the long hard proccess real rape victims have to go through. Interrogation,rape kits etc,these women went straight to the top right to CNN,magazine articles where they were all believed no matter the lack of credibility they had:martin:

what did Cos need a wakeup call on? I agree with what @LovelyOne83 said about folks mad cause he gave out some common sense wisdom in a speech.

Could he have said it better? Yeah. could he have worded things a lil better so it wouldn't seem so elitist? yeah

but it wasn't coming from a bad place

Cos was genuinely going in on what he saw were the problems - and the truth is... he was right! Just cause folks don't like the way he said it, doesn't mean what he said was wrong