Biden is Anti-Haiti, and His Haitian-American Press Person Doesn’t Give a Damn

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

Biden is Anti-Haiti, and His Haitian-American Press Person Doesn’t Give a Damn

Pascal Robert
02 Jun 2021

The current Haitian president is perhaps the most ineffectual US stooge to date, but Joe Biden and his Haitian American press person couldn’t care less.

“Biden is currently supporting a political regime in Haiti almost universally loathed by the Haitian people.”

On Wednesday May 26, 2021 Haitian American Karine Jean Pierre, principal deputy press secretary for the Biden White House, took the podium to address questions from the press. Because the corporate Democratic Party establishment realizes that showcasing racial diversity is necessary in the face of its almost 30 year history of supporting bone crushing policies like NAFTA, GATT, financial deregulation, and the 1994 Crime Bill, Democrats use demonstrations of neoliberal diversity as their only talisman to keep the fealty of their more ethnically diverse constituency.

The irony of Karine Jean Pierre being celebrated as the latest manifestation of Black Girl Magic for Empire is that Jean-Pierre's Haitian family background will obscure the fact that Joe Biden is currently supporting a political regime in Haiti almost universally loathed by the Haitian people. Jovenel Moise, the current strong man president of Haiti, rules by brutality and executive decree amid charges of massive financial corruption, as terror, kidnappings, political assassinations and insecurity proliferate throughout the land. Many Haitians argue his official term in office is over and that Moise now governs unconstitutionally. Because Moise has been a willing dupe to America's hard line agenda against the Maduro regime in Venezuela, he has been viewed by the United States as a valuable check against a potential left leaning tide in Latin and South America.

“Terror, kidnappings, political assassinations and insecurity proliferate throughout the land.”

Compounded with Biden's support for Moise, Biden's administration has carried out an even more extensive Haitian deportation agenda than Donald Trump. In the early months of Biden's presidency more Haitians have been deported than in the whole last year of Trump's presidency. Now, because of obvious pressure from the Haitian-American activist community, Biden has agreed to extend Temporary Protective Status (TPS) to Haitians while not only supporting the regime causing the current immigration surge, but also after having ramped up Haitian deportation to numbers unseen even under Trump. This should surprise no one as Joe Biden at one point in his political career remarked, "The whole Island of Haiti could drop into the ocean and it would mean nothing to the United States." Yet now we are all supposed to applaud Biden and American Empire because a tool like Karine Jean Pierre has been chosen to blur the Democratic Party's long treacherous relationship with Haiti going back to the Obama and Clinton regimes.

The vile utility of Karine Jean Pierre as Biden's Haitian-American mouthpiece will be unclear to many Haitians who will fall into the same tragic trap of "Black faces in High Places" that has so treacherously plagued Black American politics. Ridiculous Blackface compradors for the ruling class like Obama and Kamala Harris have been a normative part of the political game for some time now. However, those seeking clarity will hopefully come to realize that this con game is running its course and enemies of the people can come in a whole rainbow of colors and variations of gender and sexual orientation. The Democratic party's identity politics charade is the last card they have to maintain their position as guardians of the left flank of capital. The masses of people need to become more aware of how this liberal charade of identity inclusion is merely a smoke screen to keep people in check as the current American reality becomes more and more precarious. Let us all become aware of these contradictions and fight the Empire regardless of the multi-colored players used to control the levers of destruction.

Biden is Anti-Haiti, and His Haitian-American Press Person Doesn’t Give a Damn | Black Agenda Report

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
America has been Haiti's longest standing enemy, besides France.

This is a 200-year beef.

Thats the price we pay for the revolution, and I'm cool with that.

fukk that bytch & fukk "black girl magic"

fukk Joe Biden and fukk the Democrats.

The country founded on slave labor will always be an enemy to the country founded on freedom, retribution, and justice.

Freedom aint free.

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
I have never heard or seen a c00n that was Haitian

A Haitian c00n is an oxymoron.

Even the most white-jesus worshipping Haitian c00n will proudly talk about their revolutionary ancestry.

Our culture was founded on murdering our enemies and killing c00ns :dead:

Our founding fathers were raiding European slave ships :dead:

Dessalines is a God-figure in our culture.

A haitian c00n doesnt exist unless they've been Americanized and contaminated by the culture.... which means they are Haitian-AMERICANS.

Haitian-American is a culture by itself.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Hegemonic Blacks (sellouts from all over the diaspora) are not allies.

she is not the same as a Haitian who does not like Moise. She is a Monroe Doctrine pawn. Like many others of the “Black Elite”, who act like they are apart of a “struggle” when in fact they are the ones who have sold their people out over and over again for hundreds of years.

very few Paul Robeson archetypes

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX