Freeing Pokemon From Their Masters Since 1996
Which one y'all got?
You put up the worst possible choices for those actors besides Snowpiercer
You also left out Mark Ruffalo
These 6 have some classics on their resume, check IMDB, too many to list here
Lost in Translation was a Bill Murray movie with Scarlett in a supporting role...Lucy was an actual Scarlett Johannson movie.Yeah that stuck out to me. Why go with Lucy instead of lost in translation? No zodiac on the list no kiss kiss bang bang no sunshine, no hurt locker
Lost in Translation was a Bill Murray movie with Scarlett in a supporting role...Lucy was an actual Scarlett Johannson movie.
You put up the worst possible choices for those actors besides Snowpiercer
You also left out Mark Ruffalo
These 6 have some classics on their resume, check IMDB, too many to list here
Yeah that stuck out to me. Why go with Lucy instead of lost in translation? No zodiac on the list no kiss kiss bang bang no sunshine, no hurt locker
Lost in Translation was a Bill Murray movie with Scarlett in a supporting role...Lucy was an actual Scarlett Johannson movie.
Not that I can think of other than that pretentious science fiction movie Under the Skin.Fair enough. Well aside from Lucy and the nanny diaries, and I guess ghost world, does she have anything where she is the main focus?
I purposely picked fairly recent movies where they're in the lead. A movie from 10+ years ago in a supporting role doesn't count.
Well Downey is the lead in kiss kiss bang bang and even if you don't want to go there, Sherlock Holmes is the place I'd look to before the judge. Or even due date where he's also the lead
I'm really not a movie buff so I don't even know half of those movies. I just remember the Judge because it's recent.
Downey in Tropic Thunder
You don't remember Sherlock Holmes breh? Or the sequel?