Becky’s heel turn exposed yet another flaw in WWE creative.


#RollTide #TSC #RiseUp #BullsNation #RIPKobe
Dec 31, 2012
Montgomery, Alabama
By now everyone has their opinion of Becky’s heel turn, some think it’s a ploy to bury Lynch, some think it’s just a way to protect Charlotte from turning heel.

Regardless of what you think, the WWE writers/Vince, whoever is responsible proved why they’re among the laziest thinkers/writers on TV.

This is the third heel turn going back to 2017 (and there may be more) where a wrestler has turned heel and blamed the fans for “not being with them the whole time”, “you weren’t with me when things got rough” and as soon as I heard shyt like that come out of Becky’s mouth I just shook my head because otherwise it was the best promo of her career. Dolph Ziggler and Randy Orton have both said the same thing in their heel turn promos.

Orton for example:

One of the reason why wrestlers have a hard time getting over today is because they’re stuck following some lame ass mid card template from 1996, only a few are allowed to write their own promos and most use bullet points or even word for word scripts.

There are a thousand other ways to effectively be a heel but it doesn’t matter if you’re a bad babyface or a consistent babyface, when you turn heel, this is will be your promo.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
They reuse feuds too. Bryan and big :trash: feuded for the exact same reason Finn and Corbin did :russ:
Hey and let's not forget the whole Riot Squad/Absolution cut and paste stable thing. They both appeared on their respective shows at the same time, with no explanation or reason other than them blatantly copying each other.


Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Hey and let's not forget the whole Riot Squad/Absolution cut and paste stable thing. They both appeared on their respective shows at the same time, with no explanation or reason other than them blatantly copying each other.

It’s embarassing how nobody has any direction and within even a month of their debut can basically be relegated to sitting in catering during the show. Think about where D-X or evolution or the nation of domination were at a year after forming. Think about where E&C, the Hardy’s, and the Dudley’s were a year after reaching the main roster. Think about how peopls used to actually progress up the card instead of everyone except 2-3 guys tops being in the main event while everyone else drifts from one place to the next with no purpose or sense of where the company wants them to be in 6 months, no to mention that unless they take off right away like 1994 hulk hogan the company gives up on them immediately. I can’t imagine what locker room morale must be like.

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
I don't think it's a 1996 template. It's a 1988 template.

As much as they want to talk about 50/50 and only caring about getting a reaction, the WWE still treats business like they're back in the Rock and Wrestling Era. They want us to support Charlotte and see her as the good guy because she was attacked by her best friend, while ignoring everything that led up to that moment and treating Becky as a bitter, jealous psychopath with a chip on her shoulder. They just want us to accept the rigid face/heel roles and when the fans don't accept it, they say stupid shyt like "bizarro world."

Think about it. It's Becky Lynch. Before SummerSlam, she was one of the kindest, most happy-go-lucky people on the roster. She could get busy in the ring, but her personality was goofy and cheerful. What's her motivation for suddenly going after her best friend like this? Why would someone like her suddenly snap and assert her dominance? What influenced her to go from one of the most genuinely likable people on the roster to an arrogant a$$hole who doesn't care about the fans anymore?

These questions all have legitimate answers, and we support Becky and cheer her on not in spite of what she did, but because of what she did. She finally stood up for herself and refused to let Charlotte have another moment all about her. She's no longer choosing to be held back by the system, and that's real because of what it represents. Becky represents what the people think and feel, not Charlotte. But because she attacked her best friend, she's the villain and now she has to pretend that the fans mean nothing to her.

The WWE refuses to write complex characters, or competent characters in general. Things aren't as black and white as they used to be on television, and the average wrestling fan is a lot smarter and more in tune with the industry than they were thirty years ago. With all the strides that media has made over the years to push the idea of antiheroes, and the evolution of television writing in general, the WWE is still treating its wrestlers like they're in a Saturday morning cartoon.

If this was 1988, the fans would cheer Charlotte and boo Becky because that's just how it was back then. There was more room for suspension of disbelief and eating what the company fed you. But in 2018, it's outdated, an insult to our intelligence, and just plain moronic to think that we're supposed to hate Becky for what she did, or Becky is supposed to hate us for not supporting her even though there's no evidence whatsoever to entertain that idea.