You should probably change that date to 2015 (2016 tops); I don't see Warner letting their most profitable character sit collecting dust for 6 years.
naw for a movie to come out in 2015, filming would start in less than 2 years I dont see that happening
NoThey could use JGL as Batman for the first Justice League flick and kill him in it which would then lead to Bale coming back as Bruce Wayne/Batman.
it would be best if they move on from the Nolan series and start the character fresh
That would depend on if they continue with the Blake character from TDKR so they can cut down on the need to reintroduce Batman or if they completely reboot the character.
They could cut down on lead time by usingJoseph Gordon-Leavitt as the newBatman with the backstory being that its a few years after TDKR and superheroes have started popping up all over the world that way the inevitable Justice League movie would already be set up with the Nolan bat movies and the upcoming Superman flick.
I don't understand why they would make JGL the new Batman, especially if they're trying to continue his story from TDKR. didn't they already establish that he is in fact Robin?
just his name...