Bad Luck Comes In 3s


All Star
Apr 16, 2014
...... or maybe 2s.

Few weeks ago I posted about how stressed I am because I'm on Administrative leave due to my employers saying I'm "medically unqualified to continue working with TSA" because of my anxiety and depression. Today makes it 6 weeks and 3 days since I was initially placed on admin leave with no pay but I'm not stressing. I found alil work elsewhere that'll get me by and got a few other jobs lined up that pays more than TSA.

What took the cake was what I discovered today. So my husband and I decided to separate for awhile. Instead of jumping head-first into divorce because of our differences we decided to rewind back to our dating phase. We started off with living separately. Yeah, I know we could of did it in one household but with the constant clashing & head-butting, divorce continued to sound more and more attractive so we decided to give each other breathing room, collect & find ourselves but still be together. Every 2-3 days we saw one another & sleepover each other's place.

SO! We were texting all morning back & forth on whatever topic or subject comes up, he was giving me the tea on how his homeboy/coworker got kicked out of his place last night by his girl and that this morning, while the girl is at work, they went over there to pack his stuff. While texting, I was at Krogers doing some grocery shopping. I even bought him a few things since he's been living at his own spot for like 2 weeks. I told him I would be over his way before 1pm which is when he goes to work. Between 11:20-12:03 I could not get ahold of this negro. I pulled up to his apartment and kept calling him to buzz me in but he continues to not pick up. This went on for like 20 mins till the guard just let me in.
Parked the car, got out and started taking somethings out for him. He looks downstairs, sees me and runs out. He grabbed the things I had taken out and threw them back in. He's telling me to get back in the car and let's drive to the gate.
I'm asking him why? He says his homeboy/coworker is there. I tell him if he's there, walk there and meet him as I put the things inside. He won't budge. He keeps telling me to get back in the car. So we both get in the car and I'm reversing when some girl starts banging on the passenger side window.

"Who's this?" I ask.
"Man, that's one of the neighbors. She crazy. Don't mind her, just drive."
Out of all the cars in the lot, why she banging on mines though? So I say, "No, Im gonna cuss this girl out. Why the hell she banging on my window."
"That's a coworker of mines. Ignore her and drive." While he keeps trying to pull the stick to Drive but........ didn't he just say that's his neighbor?
So the girl walks over to my side of the window and I roll that shyt down, getting ready to tell her off when she looks right at him and says," where's my money?"
"What money?" He says
"The $115 I let you borrow."
I looked at him and again asked, "who the hell is she?"
"I don't know." He says.
"Really James. You don't know who I am. You just fukked me last night and all of a sudden you don't know who I am? Out of all the times you fukked me, you don't know who I am?"

My heart dropped.
My head got all staticky.

"Who are you?" I asked her calmly.
She replied something with Shaq*** I don't remember, it was some ghetto name though.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"I'm his fukking wife."
At this point she directed her attention back to him.
"You told me y'all was divorced, you told me she moved back to Miami." She looks at me. "Ain't your name Janay or something like that?"
It's Janeya but I didn't bother to correct her.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Get out my car." I told him. He tells me no that I should just drive. "GET THE fukk OUT MY CAR." I then yelled. He got out, I sped off...

And I cried the whole fukking way home. I cried for about 2 hours. I cried so fukking much.
I mean, I should of been peeped. The start of our relationship and marriage was nothing but arguments of him texting other girls and actually taking my car out to go see one & take on a date but this... this I never expected.

I blocked his number, I blocked ANYTHING that he could possibly use to try and get in contact me with. Hell, I plan to switch phone providers and have them disconnect his line. fukk him! Did nothing but use and abuse me these last damn near 4 years and here I thought this past year & a half, it's been worked out. We've been having progress. We were just giving each other some room, some breathing space & try to retrace our steps by going go back to our dating phase. fukk him.

I hope his punk ass see this thread too! :pacspit:
(I can't figure out how to delete or block him from this site)

So within July & August bad luck has came in 2s.


Oct 29, 2012
...... or maybe 2s.

Few weeks ago I posted about how stressed I am because I'm on Administrative leave due to my employers saying I'm "medically unqualified to continue working with TSA" because of my anxiety and depression. Today makes it 6 weeks and 3 days since I was initially placed on admin leave with no pay but I'm not stressing. I found alil work elsewhere that'll get me by and got a few other jobs lined up that pays more than TSA.

What took the cake was what I discovered today. So my husband and I decided to separate for awhile. Instead of jumping head-first into divorce because of our differences we decided to rewind back to our dating phase. We started off with living separately. Yeah, I know we could of did it in one household but with the constant clashing & head-butting, divorce continued to sound more and more attractive so we decided to give each other breathing room, collect & find ourselves but still be together. Every 2-3 days we saw one another & sleepover each other's place.

SO! We were texting all morning back & forth on whatever topic or subject comes up, he was giving me the tea on how his homeboy/coworker got kicked out of his place last night by his girl and that this morning, while the girl is at work, they went over there to pack his stuff. While texting, I was at Krogers doing some grocery shopping. I even bought him a few things since he's been living at his own spot for like 2 weeks. I told him I would be over his way before 1pm which is when he goes to work. Between 11:20-12:03 I could not get ahold of this negro. I pulled up to his apartment and kept calling him to buzz me in but he continues to not pick up. This went on for like 20 mins till the guard just let me in.
Parked the car, got out and started taking somethings out for him. He looks downstairs, sees me and runs out. He grabbed the things I had taken out and threw them back in. He's telling me to get back in the car and let's drive to the gate.
I'm asking him why? He says his homeboy/coworker is there. I tell him if he's there, walk there and meet him as I put the things inside. He won't budge. He keeps telling me to get back in the car. So we both get in the car and I'm reversing when some girl starts banging on the passenger side window.

"Who's this?" I ask.
"Man, that's one of the neighbors. She crazy. Don't mind her, just drive."
Out of all the cars in the lot, why she banging on mines though? So I say, "No, Im gonna cuss this girl out. Why the hell she banging on my window."
"That's a coworker of mines. Ignore her and drive." While he keeps trying to pull the stick to Drive but........ didn't he just say that's his neighbor?
So the girl walks over to my side of the window and I roll that shyt down, getting ready to tell her off when she looks right at him and says," where's my money?"
"What money?" He says
"The $115 I let you borrow."
I looked at him and again asked, "who the hell is she?"
"I don't know." He says.
"Really James. You don't know who I am. You just fukked me last night and all of a sudden you don't know who I am? Out of all the times you fukked me, you don't know who I am?"

My heart dropped.
My head got all staticky.

"Who are you?" I asked her calmly.
She replied something with Shaq*** I don't remember, it was some ghetto name though.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"I'm his fukking wife."
At this point she directed her attention back to him.
"You told me y'all was divorced, you told me she moved back to Miami." She looks at me. "Ain't your name Janay or something like that?"
It's Janeya but I didn't bother to correct her.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Get out my car." I told him. He tells me no that I should just drive. "GET THE fukk OUT MY CAR." I then yelled. He got out, I sped off...

And I cried the whole fukking way home. I cried for about 2 hours. I cried so fukking much.
I mean, I should of been peeped. The start of our relationship and marriage was nothing but arguments of him texting other girls and actually taking my car out to go see one & take on a date but this... this I never expected.

I blocked his number, I blocked ANYTHING that he could possibly use to try and get in contact me with. Hell, I plan to switch phone providers and have them disconnect his line. fukk him! Did nothing but use and abuse me these last damn near 4 years and here I thought this past year & a half, it's been worked out. We've been having progress. We were just giving each other some room, some breathing space & try to retrace our steps by going go back to our dating phase. fukk him.

I hope his punk ass see this thread too! :pacspit:
(I can't figure out how to delete or block him from this site)

So within July & August bad luck has came in 2s.


All Star
Apr 16, 2014

Let it go boo. You'll feel so much freer when you drop that baggage.

But I have so much to say to his sorry ass. If I don't say anything, it will just stay balled up in me & make me wanna cry anytime I think about what I should of said.
My aunt told me not to give him that power but I don't see this as power play. I need to get this off my chest. I stopped by the court house today and dropped off the divorce papers. I plan to head over to the sheriff office later to have them serve him.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
But I have so much to say to his sorry ass. If I don't say anything, it will just stay balled up in me & make me wanna cry anytime I think about what I should of said.
My aunt told me not to give him that power but I don't see this as power play. I need to get this off my chest. I stopped by the court house today and dropped off the divorce papers. I plan to head over to the sheriff office later to have them serve him.
You could write it all out in a letter then burn it. A lil therapy exercise.
You don't wanna get dragged back into bullshyt. Just do what feels most right to you.