When word spread that Roman Reigns had caught the attention of Triple H, the belief was that he was going to be built up as a future main event performer. WWE has definitely taken that approach. They've protected him on the microphone by limiting the amount of things that he has to say. They're also building him up as a formidable opponent, as evident by the fact that he was given a pinfall victory over John Cena at Monday Night RAW this week.
In correlation, while WWE is also high on Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose is rapidly standing out from his teammates. While Seth Rollins is allowed some lines, Ambrose is given the most important points of the promo. As noted, Roman Reigns is relegated to quick lines. WWE also trusts Ambrose more in the ring. They used him last week against the Undertaker, and they're having him face Kane at the next Smackdown.
Source: The Wrestling Observer