Ax handle Saturday

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
More than 200 white people wielding baseball bats and ax handles chased African Americans through the streets of downtown Jacksonville, trying to beat them into submission.

It was August 27, 1960, a day that became known as “Ax Handle Saturday.”

The violent attack was in response to peaceful lunch counter demonstrations organized by the Jacksonville Youth Council of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

The attack began with white people spitting on the protestors and yelling racial slurs at them. When the young demonstrators held their resolve, they were beaten with wooden handles that had not yet had metal ax heads attached.

While the violence was first aimed at the lunch counter demonstrators, it quickly escalated to include any African American in sight of the white mob. Police stood idly by watching the beatings until members of a black street gang called “The Boomerangs” attempted to protect those being attacked. At that point police night sticks joined the baseball bats and ax handles.

Bloodied and battered victims of the vicious beatings fled to a nearby church where they sought refuge and comfort from prayer and song. Eventually the white mob dispersed.

Sixteen-year-old Rodney L. Hurst was president of the Jacksonville Youth Council, leading sit-ins at “whites only” lunch counters in Woolworth’s and W.J. Grant Department Store to protest racial segregation.

Hurst has written about his experiences in the award-winning book “It was Never about a Hot Dog and a Coke.”

History teacher Rutledge Pearson inspired Hurst to become involved in the civil rights movement at a very early age. Hurst says that Pearson was an innovative teacher who facilitated interactive classes. “As we talked about American history and as he gave us his insights, he would tell us ‘freedom is not free, and if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.’ He would encourage us to join the Youth Council NAACP, which we did.”

Today, Rutledge H. Pearson Elementary School in Jacksonville bears the name of the teacher who influenced many young people to become leaders in the African American community.

In 1959, the year before Ax Handle Saturday, Nathan B. Forrest High School opened in Jacksonville, celebrating the memory of the first Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan. As of July 1, 2014, the name has been changed to Westside High School.

The violence of Ax Handle Saturday did not occur in a vacuum. Racial segregation and overt racism had been building tension in Jacksonville for decades. In his book, Hurst places his personal story as a young activist into the larger historical context of the civil rights movement. “Jacksonville was a mess, not unlike a lot of other southern cities,” Hurst says.

It is believed that the Ku Klux Klan organized the violence of Ax Handle Saturday. “The intent was to scare, intimidate, and bring physical harm,” Hurst says. “Many times you could not draw a line between the Klan and law enforcement, because law enforcement were at least accomplices to a lot of the things the Klan did.”

While the events of Ax Handle Saturday were documented in Life Magazine and newspapers from major cities across the country, reporters from the Jacksonville Times-Union and the Jacksonville Journal were not allowed to cover the story.

Some people in the city are now more willing to explore its painful past.

In 2010, the University of North Florida opened the exhibition “Fifty Years Later: Revisiting Ax Handle Saturday in Jacksonville, Florida.” The photography exhibit begins with an image of four ax handles against a stark white background. The viewer is challenged to think about what it would feel like to be attacked with one of those solid pieces of wood. Historic photos from Hurst’s book are displayed.

“What’s exciting about the exhibit for me is that it’s on a university campus, with a lot of young people, a lot of inquiring minds,” Hurst says. “If a university does nothing else, it should develop independent thinkers.”

Since 1960, great strides have been made in the fight for racial equality. As contemporary headlines too often remind us, there is still a long way to go.

Florida Frontiers “Ax Handle Saturday"

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement -- It was never about a hot dog and a Coke!

When the Boomerangs and Parker got to Clay Street and Ashley Street, which is one block from Broad Street and Ashley Street, they sent Parker on with a couple of Boomerang members and then turned to invite the crowd to continue. The crowd stopped and turned back. The Boomerangs then walked Parker to the Laura Street Presbyterian Church Youth Center. When we later met with Parker, we agreed he would not sit in for a while. It would be an interesting period before we saw Parker again.

Today, most juvenile delinquent experts would call the "Boomerangs" gang members. After all, they fit all the gang profiles — Black males who lived in a housing project (the Joseph Blodgett Housing project). Arrested for minor fighting skirmishes, they hung out at the Wilder Recreation Park Center in Jacksonville. However, you would not consider the Boomerangs a gang in the traditional sense. They did not have colors, did not carry guns, and did not traffic in drugs as far as anyone could determine. They never resorted to gratuitous violence, though they did fight rivals "gangs". You would want any one of them to have your back. They also had tremendous respect for Mr. Pearson and the Youth Council.

The name "Boomerang" resulted from an incident in a local drugstore when some of the Boomerangs "requisitioned" items from the store. Because of the store's layout, you entered one way and exited a separate way. Boomerangs would come into the store and leave quickly. A white employee declared, "They keep coming back just like a boomerang." The name stuck. Of course, the Youth Council never condoned or supported any illegal or violent activity by the Boomerangs.

The decorum of all sit-in demonstrations required a steadfast discipline — passive, non-violent resistance. It characterized the civil rights movement in the late fifties and the early sixties. Boomerangs did not join the Youth Council during the sit-ins, though some wanted to join. They made if perfectly clear they could never be a part of a non-violent demonstration. As one Boomerang told me, "If a 'cracker' hits me, I'm going to try and kill him."

As drastic, dramatic and incredulous as it sounds, I believe, as do other Youth Council members, that those construction workers would have tried to lynch Richard Charles Parker that day. We also believe that the Boomerangs saved Parker's life.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Trump’s Jacksonville Convention Speech Coincides With KKK Attack Anniversary in City

President Trump’s planned convention speech in Jacksonville, Florida, on Aug. 27 falls on the city’s 60th anniversary of a brutal KKK-orchestrated attack on black activists known as “Ax Handle Saturday.” According to the Florida Historical Society, hundreds of members of a white mob chased the activists throughout downtown Jacksonville and beat them with bats and ax handles. In confirming Jacksonville as the location of the Republican National Convention on Thursday, RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the state of Florida holds a “special place” in Trump’s heart, but it wasn’t clear if Republican officials were aware of the historical significance of the date. Trump has been accused of giving a nod to white nationalists with his choice of setting for another upcoming event, however. His first campaign rally since the coronavirus pandemic began is scheduled to be held on Juneteenth, the anniversary of the emancipation of the last enslaved African-Americans in the Confederacy. But it will be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the site of one of the worst acts of racial violence in the country: the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921.


Jul 17, 2018
That FL story reads just like what went on in Fishtown in Philly recently.

Plus ce change.