I mean, does he not listen to the fans when they say they want the old deep voiced shyne back? like does he not listen to himself and think, "Damn, this sh*t is really not working out with my new style"?? It's like, why change your style when EVERYONE IN THE DAMN PLANET WAS FEELING YOU!!!! I understand that he didn't want to remember the "Old Shyne" and leave that life behind, but damnit, the delivery and flow didn't get you in jail!! it was your actions!!! I'm hearing his new mixtape and all it makes me want to do is go back to his first album... it makes no sense, his voice does not have that COMMAND that we all loved...
I don't know man, I feel real disappointed... does he even have that delivery anymore??

I don't know man, I feel real disappointed... does he even have that delivery anymore??