Arna Kimiai, Second Suspect In San Francisco Uber Attack, Surrenders To Police

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
Arna Kimiai, Second Suspect In San Francisco Uber Attack, Surrenders To Police

Ron dikker
·General Assignment Reporter, HuffPost
Mon, March 15, 2021, 6:30 AM

Arna Kimiai, the unmasked Uber passenger who stirred outrage for abusing a driver in viral video, surrendered to San Francisco police Sunday night, the department said.

Kimiai, 24, was jailed on charges of robbery, assault and battery, conspiracy and violation of health and safety code for her alleged role in the March 7 attack on Subhakar Khadka, a 32-year-old operator from Nepal who said he was subjected to racial taunts as well.

Kimiai was a central figure in a clip filmed by Khadka that infuriated many viewers nationwide. Khadka told police he picked up the three women and stopped the ride when he noticed one of them was not wearing a mask. Tensions escalated and the unmasked Kimiai coughed on him, grabbed his cellphone and ripped his mask off while her two companions berated the driver. The passenger in red, Malaysia King, allegedly pepper-sprayed Khadka through an open window as the trio fled, police said.

King, 24, was arrested Thursday in Las Vegas, where police said she tried to use a fake ID to transfer money at a bank. In the San Francisco attack, she faces charges of assault with a caustic chemical, assault and battery, conspiracy and violation of health and safety code.

Kimiai turned herself in at the San Francisco women’s jail at 7 p.m. Sunday, her lawyer told KPIX.

“Ms. Kimiai acted appropriately and responsibly when she found out she had a warrant for her arrest, coordinating her peaceful surrender through her legal counsel and the SFPD. We have no further comment at this time,” attorney Seth Morris said.

Khadka told KTVU: “All the working-class people throughout the world are watching the events unfold. We are setting an example here that nobody is above the law.”

A third passenger has not been charged in the attack. Police said they continue investigating.

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Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
Media OD'ing with this narrative.

Racist man pepper sprays Asian gas station owner after telling him to 'go to China'

vid inside
Racist man pepper sprays Asian gas station owner after telling him to 'go to China'


A man was caught on camera recently going off on a racist tirade against an Asian gas station owner, who was hospitalized after the man hit him with pepper spray.

Local news station ABC News 7 reports that a gas station owner in Oakland was subjected to a racist tirade last week by a customer who tried to pay for gas by dropping piles of quarters onto the cashier's counter.

"My staff, she's like, 'well, wait, hold on there," explained the gas station owner, who wished only to be identified by his first name, Cwell. "You kind of have to take this to the bank because I can't fit this all in the till."

When Cwell tried to talk to the man and explain his staff's objections to dropping piles of quarters in front of them, the man went off on a racist rant.

"Go to China!" the man can be heard yelling at Cwell in the video. "F*ck you man! You have a small d*ck!"

The man then pulled out pepper spray and assaulted Cwell.

"The guy had pulled out his pepper spray and he had shot my face, arms," he said. "I ended up going to the ER to get taken care of."


Nov 18, 2016
@ PA
fukk them loud mouth rats. I'm tired of these assembly-line, Cardi B-esque, hoodbooger bytches, across the US.


Like I said in another thread, this is why homicide rates are goin up, on these young bytches. Their 0-100 aggression, especially toward men, will get get them left somewhere. Majority of these bytches aint even built like that. Straight clowns. I have no sympathy when it goes left on em. Haji should've pulled a blade, and gave all 3 that work. :yeshrug:


All Star
May 5, 2012
Now they calling Indians “South Asian” to continue this narrative foh
Look whos in office breh its always an agenda propaganda to confuse brainwash the sheep i been turnt off the radio n tv. Ig is becoming annoying as well i think sum drastic is gonna happen where everybody well be attacked cyberly idk if dats a word but u get my drift. Biden is im cahoots with chinese government harris whole family comes from a racists caste system in inda mfs gettin lead to slaughter we gonna see how long this vaccine shyt gonna last because half country are liftin their mask mandates mostly republican states(see where this is goin now?) Notice alot of ppl are fleeing from all these mask mandated democratic states n cities. Aint nobody tryin move to chicago,la,nyc or san fran unless they up 6 figures already