Are you addicted to the internet?


Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
I suffer from compulsive information seeking. :francis:

5 Types Of Internet Addiction​

Internet addiction is a broad term that covers a range of behaviors and impulse-control problems involving internet, personal computer, and mobile technology. While there is yet no officially accepted criteria to diagnose an internet addiction, researchers have identified 5 subcategories of specific types of computer and internet addictions.

Cybersex Addiction​

A cybersex addiction is one of the more self-explanatory internet addictions. It involves online pornography, adult websites, sexual fantasy/adult chat rooms, and XXX webcam services. An obsession with any of these services can be harmful to one’s ability to form real-world sexual, romantic, or intimate relationships. Treatment options are available for those with cybersex addictions, typically in the form of intervention followed by ongoing inpatient or outpatient therapy.

Net Compulsions​

Net compulsions concern interactive activities online that can be extremely harmful, such as online gambling, trading stocks, online auctions (such as eBay), and compulsive online shopping. These habits can have a detrimental impact on one’s financial stability and disrupt job-related duties. Spending or losing excessive amounts of money can also cause stress in one’s relationships. With instant and easy access to online casinos and stores, it is easy for those who are already susceptible to a gambling or spending addiction to get hooked online.

Cyber (Online) Relationship Addiction​

Cyber or online relationship addicts are deeply involved with finding and maintaining relationships online, often forgetting and neglecting real-life family and friends. Typically online relationships are formed in chat rooms or different social networking sites but can occur anywhere one can interact with people online. Often people who pursue online relationships do so while concealing their real identity and appearance; this modern phenomena led to the creation of the term “catfish.”

After being consumed by an online social life and persona, a person may be left with limited social skills and unrealistic expectations concerning in-person interactions. Many times this leads to an inability to make real-world connections, in turn making the individual more dependent on their cyber relationships. Counseling or therapy is typically required to treat this addiction and ensure lasting behavioral changes.

Compulsive Information Seeking​

The internet provides users with a wealth of data and knowledge. For some, the opportunity to find information so easily has turned into an uncontrollable urge to gather and organize data. In some cases information-seeking is a manifestation of pre-existing, obsessive-compulsive tendencies. Compulsive information-seeking can also reduce work productivity and potentially lead to job termination. Depending on the severity of the addiction, treatment options can range from different therapy modalities — which target changing compulsive behavior and developing coping strategies — to medication.

Computer Or Gaming Addiction​

Computer addiction, sometimes referred to as computer gaming addiction, involves online and offline activities that can be done with a computer. As computers became more widely available, games such as Solitaire, Tetris, and Minesweeper were programed into their software. Researchers quickly found that obsessive computer game playing was becoming a problem in certain settings. Office employees would spend excessive amounts of time playing these games, causing a notable decrease in productivity. Not only are these classic games still available today but so are thousands of new ones, and the condition of computer gaming addiction is as prevalent and harmful as ever.

Signs And Symptoms​

In 1998, Dr. Kimberly Young developed “The Internet Addiction Test.” It includes a 20-item questionnaire that is administered to the client by a proctor. These items include questions like:

  • How often do you find that you stay online longer than you intended?
  • How often do others in your life complain to you about the amount of time you spend online?
  • How often do you find yourself anticipating when you will go online again?
Clients can answer with one of these 6 responses: Not Applicable, Rarely, Occasionally, Frequently, Often, and Always. Each answer has a numerical value assigned to it. At the end of the test all the answer’s values are added together, and a score is calculated and used to determine the presence or severity of an internet addiction.

Other internet addiction tests have also gained popularity. In 2005, Dr. Keith W. Beard published an article in which he proposed 8 characteristics that describe having an internet use disorder. If 5 or more of the traits describe the subject, they would be diagnosed with an internet addiction. The characteristics are:

  1. Is preoccupied with the internet (thinks about previous online activity or anticipates next online session).
  2. Needs to use the internet with increasing amounts of time in order to achieve satisfaction.
  3. Has made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop internet use.
  4. Has stayed online longer than originally intended.
  5. Is restless, moody, depressed, or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop internet use.
  6. Has jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of the internet.
  7. Has lied to family members, therapists, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the internet.
  8. Uses the internet as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a dysphoric mood (e.g. feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression).


Jan 1, 2018
Used to be:

Spending all day on here once when I had stuff to do made me flip the script and I'm a lot more selective now because I look at the net like a toolbelt. You wouldn't wear it to the beach or the club. You only grab it when you need it for some DIY action, a specific task.

Same thing now as I've placed it way down on my scale of priorities and all notifications everywhere are always off. Same with the ringer, I'll get back to you when I get back to you. Not just because you called.

Life changing and is coming from someone who is quite Self aware so it was an interesting experience to say the least and proved why I was correct in holding off in getting a smartphone for so long. Its digital crack that is designed to be addictive as it pimps your Limbic System.

To help with your compulsive info seeking:

Write down what you wanted to check on a piece of paper, let them stack up and then research them all at once at the end of the day as a reward. Hack the hackers by overriding the process and interrupting the pattern. Its very effective.


Jan 1, 2018
USER=34919]@Complexion[/USER] what did you do to kick the habit?...

Three days with no electronics/screens at all eating a few boiled potatoes only with a little salt and drinking nothing but water. No human contact. No music. Total silence.

Basically absolutely zero stimulation of any kind to reset all of my levels. Wrote about it here:

That almost did the trick but didn't completely clean out the crap so I went back offline and did it for nine days instead. That was way more in depth and caused a definite shift in my habits.

I had it all in check till finally getting a smartphone a while back. That device is the main issue as its designed to be addictive and is more portable/accessible than a computer so once you've tried it make sure you remove all the old hit generators (like notifications etc) and strip it back to basics. Seeing it like a toolbelt makes it make more sense as you grab it as and when needed and in reality you don't need it anywhere near as much as you think as you're craving the hit of seeking and finding, not the information itself.


Oct 15, 2015
I also suffer from compulsive information seeking.

I have tons of websites bookedmark , and many YouTube playlists fill with 100+ videos of random software development stuff , that ill probably never get to watch.


Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
I also suffer from compulsive information seeking.

I have tons of websites bookedmark , and many YouTube playlists fill with 100+ videos of random software development stuff , that ill probably never get to watch.

Yeah...I cleaned up my "Watch Later" tab in YouTube and unsubscribed from almost everything.

I've tried other tricks ultimately end up doom scrolling.


Apr 15, 2015
I also suffer from compulsive information seeking.

I have tons of websites bookedmark , and many YouTube playlists fill with 100+ videos of random software development stuff , that ill probably never get to watch.
Yeah...I cleaned up my "Watch Later" tab in YouTube and unsubscribed from almost everything.

I've tried other tricks ultimately end up doom scrolling.
What's wrong with seeking knowledge? That's a productive use of your time.

Sauce Mane

Mar 11, 2022
no I can stop anytime! :wtf: