Alright friend heres the first thing i did in the past when i was single and wanted to women in the street.
I walk up to a woman right and im like
"Excuse me miss.

How are you doin"
She tells me.
Then im like "im Mr. somebody, whats your name"
She tells me
Then i hit her with this 1800hotline "are you from here?"
She tells me
Then i share a brief 10 sentence or less story about where im from
Then im like "thats cool"
They arent ready for this one. I go. "you seem nice, and your eyes are pretty"
I then act like i have something to do and say "hey, i gotta split but we should talk later, whats your number, *pulling out my phone*
She dictates the phone number to me
Then i hit her with the line she'll never forget "alright well *says her name* it was nice meeting. Talk to you later, we should do something sometime."
She smiles.
I smile.
*i shake her hand and look her in her eye for an extra second longer then normal and slide my fingers down her palm and finger tips as i pull away from her*
Then we live happily ever after, friend. Try that like experiments.