Apple has licensed its design patents to Microsoft -- the same patents at issue in the Samsung case -- according to Boris Teksler, director of Patent Licensing & Strategy at Apple. The development was revealed today in the Apple v. Samsung trial according to Dan Levine, a legal reporter for Reuters who is covering the trial from the courtroom.
Apple patent licensing director Teksler: Apple has licensed its design patents to Msft, but they have an "anticloning" agreement.
Ian Sherr, legal reporter for Dow Jones and The Wall Street Journal, adds additional information on the statement, saying that the design patents are covered under Apple and Microsoft's patent cross-licensing agreement. Apple could be making this point to show that Samsung should have licensed the patents as well.
Wasn't Microsoft the first one who invented a tablet? They will be actually paying money off each sold Surface tablet to Apple.
How different can you make a tablet look like to not be paying this patent ?
I dont see car companies paying money to nikka's family who first invented a car, just cause all cars have 4 wheels.