Apparently i didn't know what a prostate exam was, assaulted the White Man


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
Took my grandfather to the hospital and he told me he was getting a prostate exam. I was like cool whatever. Now he is terrified of doctors so he wanted me to go into the room with him. Again, i was like cool. We were sitting in there and he had to put on this gown and when he returned, i think he was BUCKET-NAKED up under there. So anyway, we were sittin in the room and just as the doctor comes in, my tracfone rang and i could see it was this lil light-skin girl from the islands that i was macking on. I excused myself and when i came back in the room like five minutes later, shyt got real brehs.

Before i even opened the door, i could hear my grandpa making weird noises. Sounded like some sensual-type shyt. When i opened it, i saw dude laying on the bench, ass just out there like a Nascar driver brehs. The doctor was standing over him and it took my mind a second to process what was happening. He had gone up in there brehs, had a white glove on and everything. For some reason, the facts that i was in a medical office and that we were there for a medical procedure did not occur to me in that moment. This was probably because I had watched Master P's Lockdown about this dude that gets raped in prison by a white guy the night before. I legit yelled out "Not mine fam!" Feels kind of foolish right now in hindsight but it is what it is. Before thinking, i burst in that mufukka and the doctor turned around all surprised. Caught this mufukka right in the breastbone brehs. They had set up a deli in there and dude went flying back into it. Ham. Pastrami. Roast Beef. All that shyt went EVERYWHERE. Even seen a little Turkey go flying in the air.

Grandfather leapt up and his gown flew open, exposing it all brehs. Had to give him a piece too. Left both of em and slunk out. That was like an hour ago and he has been texting me "IT WAS AN EXAM!" over and over just like that in all capital letters. Had to put my phone on silent because of the guilt. Don't know if i can ever go back. Discuss.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Had my first a couple years ago. Felt violated, but rather that than cancer.

Don't even take that long........thank goodness.

Oh, yeah, you're gonna need to get checked-out when you hit middle-age so before you start making fun of us 'old heads' just remember, you're gonna be middle-aged in another 20 years.​


You will be trolled
May 13, 2015
Had my first a couple years ago. Felt violated, but rather that than cancer.

Don't even take that long........thank goodness.

Oh, yeah, you're gonna need to get checked-out when you hit middle-age so before you start making fun of us 'old heads' just remember, you're gonna be middle-aged in another 20 years.​
this will never be me

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
Had my first a couple years ago. Felt violated, but rather that than cancer.

Don't even take that long........thank goodness.

Oh, yeah, you're gonna need to get checked-out when you hit middle-age so before you start making fun of us 'old heads' just remember, you're gonna be middle-aged in another 20 years.​

I'm 36. I went in for a physical a couple months back, and my doctor is a tall breh with huge hands :huhldup:.

We were discussing about how I would have to get one in a couple years. :flabbynsick:

The whole time he was talking, my exterior was :leostare:, but mentally I was :sadbron:
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