saw matinee today, its alright, same basic story as the first one with a little twist, of course the special effects are better in this version. it goes by fast, non stop action pretty much, colin farell is running throughout the movie. pg13 didn't hurt it at all, 3 breast chick is in it along with a few other easter eggs from the OG, just as much killing as in OG version. looking at what they got away with in this movie, not sure why OG version is rated R, don't remember much blood or cursing. imho, everything is almost equal to the OG version except colin cannot just can't get out of Arnold's shadow. if you think about it without nostalgia, the OG version is just ok but Arnold was a real movie star at the top of his game back then and he carried it with his charisma and star power. colin version is just a perfect August popcorn flick, TDKR will still be #1 this weekend though...