Dog Based Gremlin
I was playing Madden Team play just now with some bum playing QB and i was stuck just being any on offense and defense.
Long story short, My QB was a bum who would get the ball all the way down field and throw an interception with Aaron Rodgers because he didnt know how to score in the Redzone. We ended up losing by like 21 to the Seahawks. The other team messaged me saying I was a ****** that "we should burn our Madden games like his ancestors burned crosses on our lawns"
I simply told him to give us the rematch and watch us win if I were calling the defense. They agreed and said that we sucked so bad, that they would pick Tony Romo and shyt on us
This time I picked the Buccaneers and was calling defense. I even let that bum QB run the offense again to prove a point that "Defense wins championships"
Dawg, Romo was 9-24 with 3 INTS. I had 220 yards with "Doug da gawd Martin" and I had 3 interceptions with their middle linebacker.
It got so ugly that they ended up quiting
now I know how Ray Lewis feels when you come back and get that revenge win
i messaged the opponents but im assuming they blocked me. It always feels good to get at those racist cacs on the sticks
Long story short, My QB was a bum who would get the ball all the way down field and throw an interception with Aaron Rodgers because he didnt know how to score in the Redzone. We ended up losing by like 21 to the Seahawks. The other team messaged me saying I was a ****** that "we should burn our Madden games like his ancestors burned crosses on our lawns"
I simply told him to give us the rematch and watch us win if I were calling the defense. They agreed and said that we sucked so bad, that they would pick Tony Romo and shyt on us
This time I picked the Buccaneers and was calling defense. I even let that bum QB run the offense again to prove a point that "Defense wins championships"
Dawg, Romo was 9-24 with 3 INTS. I had 220 yards with "Doug da gawd Martin" and I had 3 interceptions with their middle linebacker.
It got so ugly that they ended up quiting
now I know how Ray Lewis feels when you come back and get that revenge win
i messaged the opponents but im assuming they blocked me. It always feels good to get at those racist cacs on the sticks