I was wondering when people in the YA world were gonna start copying that post-apocalyptic dystopia setting of the Hunger Games and move away from the paranormal romance werewolves and vampires style and now they are. i remember when i finished reading the first Hunger Games book years ago and i was wondering where are the other YA style books like this one. looks like they're starting to trickle out.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Legend-ebook/dp/B0052RDJAO/ref=zg_bs_28_70]Legend: Marie Lu: Amazon.com: Kindle Store[/ame]
since i'm a member of Audible i'm gonna check out this series called Legend. just wondering if anybody here peeped it.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Divergent-Veronica-Roth/dp/0062024035/ref=la_B004FX672S_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1368399719&sr=1-1]Divergent: Veronica Roth: 9780062024039: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
i been meaning to check out Divergent. no clue what its about but i know its in that Hunger Games lane cause its a YA book and the cover of the book just has a logo on it. i think its getting a movie pretty soon.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Legend-ebook/dp/B0052RDJAO/ref=zg_bs_28_70]Legend: Marie Lu: Amazon.com: Kindle Store[/ame]
since i'm a member of Audible i'm gonna check out this series called Legend. just wondering if anybody here peeped it.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Divergent-Veronica-Roth/dp/0062024035/ref=la_B004FX672S_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1368399719&sr=1-1]Divergent: Veronica Roth: 9780062024039: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
i been meaning to check out Divergent. no clue what its about but i know its in that Hunger Games lane cause its a YA book and the cover of the book just has a logo on it. i think its getting a movie pretty soon.