Any tips for business school interview?


Ditty Dum Ditty Doo
May 1, 2012
I don't know what to expect and I'm nervous:sadbron: Not sure how similar it is to a job interview (i.e. walk me through your resume). Hell, any school interview advice would help, let alone business. Thanks.


Ditty Dum Ditty Doo
May 1, 2012
wish I could help. nontheless :salute:

Is it a target? What field you tryna rep

Target. Tax. Don't want to get into details..lot of folks know too much information about me and where I'm located:mjpls: Probably going to delete this account soon.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
I don't know what to expect and I'm nervous:sadbron: Not sure how similar it is to a job interview (i.e. walk me through your resume). Hell, any school interview advice would help, let alone business. Thanks.

When it comes to interviews, b-schools don't all follow the same template. For some, it's an essential screening tool. For others, it's used to evaluate borderline cases. And some even use it as an information session for applicants.

Regardless, you should approach the interview as a conversation to be enjoyed, not an ordeal to be slogged through.

If an interview is offered, take it. In person, you may be a more compelling candidate. You can further address weaknesses or bring dull essays to life. More importantly, you can display the kinds of qualities–enthusiasm, sense of humor, maturity, drive–that fill in the blanks and often sway a decision.

A great interview can tip the scale in the admit direction. How do you know if it was great? You were calm and focused. You expressed yourself and your ideas clearly. And you developed a solid rapport with the interviewer. A mediocre interview may not have much impact, unless your application is hanging on by a thread.

What to Expect
Business school interviews don't tend to be rigid or formal. This doesn't mean that it won't feel like a job interview. It just means that they want to get a sense of you as a whole person.

Your interviewer may ask specific questions regarding your job responsibilities or broad questions about your history, personality and goals. You may talk about your hobbies, a recent cross-country trip or the worst job you ever had.

Interviews are conducted by students, faculty, admissions staff or alumni. Don't dismiss students as lightweights; they follow a tight script and report back to the admissions committee. Because they are relatively inexperienced as interviewers, however, these sessions are more likely to be duds. You may have to work harder to get your points across.

How to Prepare
You can prepare for the interview in several ways: Practice speaking about your accomplishments. Be ready to go into greater depth than you did in your essays (but don't assume the interviewer has read them). Prepare two or three points about yourself that you want the interviewer to remember you by. Come armed with examples, or even a portfolio of your work, to showcase your achievements. Limit your use of business jargon. Finally, be prepared to give a strong and convincing answer to the interviewer's inevitable question, "Why here?"

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Top 10 Business School Interview Questions: Be Prepared!

Most business schools invite applicants to an on-campus interview as the final step in the screening process. Some schools don't conduct interviews, but if they do and you're invited, you'll know that things are going well. Essentially, the school is telling you: "Look, we like you on paper. But we want to meet you in person to make sure that your marbles are in order before making a decision."

Sounds straightforward, right? Wrong! Unlike the rest of the admissions process, interviews don't follow a rule book. You won't really know what to expect, nor will you be able to determine what the interviewer is looking for – at least with any certainty. So what's an honest human to do?

For starters, take care of your wardrobe. Wear formal business attire and present a professional image. Next, prepare yourself mentally. Visualize the interview as a two-way conversation between peers, not as an interview.

Finally, it's time to prepare for the most frequent business school interview questions. Chances are that you'll be asked at least a few of them, so preparing will help you look like less of a dunce. Here are the ten most frequently asked business school interview questions, in our experience.

"Tell Me About Yourself"

This open-ended question has the potential to cause you to trip and fall into a bottomless chasm. So don't take this four word question lightly. A strong answer establishes your status as a talented, motivated, and intriguing individual at the personal, academic, and extracurricular levels. You could start by explaining where you're from, where you grew up, and any salient personal circumstances. Then talk about your undergraduate education and why you made those choices. Finally, talk about your career choices and where you are today. Everything you say should build toward the idea that your life has naturally led you to apply to business school. Your answer should be a concise, two to three minute response, demonstrating your ability to synthesize and structure your thoughts.

"Why Are You interested in an MBA?"

If you haven't figured this out in your application essays, you should go back to the drawing board. Basically, restate what you've written in your essays, but go deeper and broader. By deeper, we mean explaining in more detail those factors and motivations that you mentioned in your essays. By broader, we mean all the stuff you couldn't fit in the essays. A good answer shows both depth and breadth. If we had to pick one, we'd say to focus on breadth and let the interviewer guide you on what topics to go into more depth.

"Why Are You Interested in Our School?"

Why not? List all the reasons why their business school is the single best match for your career goals. Discuss its faculty, facilities, theoretical approach, course offering, student activities, job placement record, location, and any and all reasons that demonstrate a deliberate choice. Your goal is convey your belief that the school is a highly compelling choice for you, if not your first choice.

"Discuss A Time When You Were A Leader"

Your interviewer will almost certainly dwell on your leadership qualities. He or she may ask you to expand upon the leadership examples mentioned in your essays, or ask for a brand new example. Whatever the case, be sure to have several examples ready illustrating different forms of leadership – leading a team, taking the ethical high ground, making a positive impact, etc.

"What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?"

Nobody likes answering this question, but it comes up. Describing your strengths should be straightforward. Pick two or three qualities that you possess which demonstrate your business acumen. For example, if you're an HR director, you can discuss your ability to identify strong candidates and match them with great opportunities. Talking about your weaknesses is another story. The general rule is to pick weaknesses that are really "weaknesses turning into strengths". You might say, for instance, that you don't always pay attention to details because you're focused on the big picture, but that you've started to train yourself to do so.

"Why Should We Accept You?"

Why not? Describe in modest and balanced terms why you are eminently qualified for the program. Talk about your personal, academic, and extracurricular accomplishments and how they make you a strong candidate for the program. Discuss your long range plans and how you will make full use of the university's resources to accomplish your goals. While may sound selfish, you're really telling the school that they won't be wasting an admissions spot with you.

"What Are Your Career Goals?"

You might not have a clue, but it's important to have a preliminary idea of your career goals. Perhaps you want to become an investment banker, or use your business degree to open up a non-profit foundation. Whatever the case, sketch your plans and make it clear how an MBA is an integral stepping stone. It's okay to have more than one career goal, so long as your goals show that you're planning to apply the knowledge you'll acquire. Whatever you say, don't say you want to make money.

"Where Else Are You Applying?"

This is a delicate question. If you answer, you're admitting that you're interested in more than one school. If you don't, you risk coming across as defensive and combative. One way to deal with this question is to say that you've applied to a few other schools whose programs correspond with your coursework interests, career goals, and other criteria. But that their school is really an excellent fit and that you'd love to be considered for the entering class. This is somewhat evasive, but doesn't force a direct comparison between their school and other schools. Another option is to disclose everything, particularly if you have other offers. This shows that you're an attractive candidate and it may help you get admitted. Which approach you take is up to you.

"What Have You Read Recently?"

Don't answer the latest New York Times Bestseller. The interviewer is interested in establishing your intellectual quality and curiosity. Ideally, your reading will consist of business books, newspapers, and journals. This demonstrates that your interest is genuine, maybe even indicative of a passion. You can also mention wider reading, to show that you're well rounded, but start with material that's closer to your interviewer's heart.

"What Questions Do You Have For Me?"

You're almost guaranteed to have this in your business school interview questions. So prepare a list of five or more questions. The best questions demonstrate that you've researched the program. For example, you can ask the interviewer to talk more about opportunities to connect with practicioners in the private equity industry: "I'm interested in pursuing a career in private equity. Are there conferences or other student activities that would enable me to meet with industry practicioners during the course of my studies?" You can also discuss specific aspects of the school's facilities, courses, or other peculiarities that show that you're a serious applicant. So have your own list of business school interview questions in your back pocket!

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
MBA applicants spend lots of time practicing their responses to the questions they’ll likely face in an admissions interview. What many haven’t realized is that the questions they ask the business schools might be just as telling.

“Fit is important, and interviews exist to assess that,” says Kurt Ahlm, associate dean for student recruitment and admissions at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. “This is as much about the school finding out about applicants as it is about applicants finding out about the school.”

You cannot ask any old question. You have to put some thought into it, according to admissions committee members at top business schools. “We want to see candidates use the questions to show a genuine interest in the school,” says Christine Sneva, executive director of admissions and financial aid at Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management.

Asking about the direction and vision for the school over the next few years tells interviewers you are imagining what life would be like for you on their campus, says Sneva. The same is true, she adds, of questions about whether the interviewer likes living near the school and what she does for fun after work.

Of course, questions about life near campus only work for those who still live in the area. Knowing a bit about who is interviewing you is a must. Applicants should tailor their questions to students, alumni, and administrators, all of whom conduct interviews for various schools, says Richard Lyons, dean of the University of California at Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. The interviewer owes you a good answer, too, he adds.

In fact, Lyons says applicants should ask “powerful questions,” ones with responses that will offer them clues as to whether this is the right school for them. The top three questions he thinks applicants should ask are:

1. Does the school’s mission and culture have any defining characteristics?

2. What percentage of classmates would you choose to work closely with or for after graduation?

3. Can you provide a concrete example of how the school’s location affects the student’s experience?

People mistakenly believe there is no way to mess up this portion of the interview. Asking for responses that can easily be found on the school’s website or with a minimal amount of research tells the interviewer you have not done your homework, says Ahlm.

Knowing the format of the interview is also helpful, and the schools expect you to research this and the basics before you sit down to chat. Some administrators don’t mind if you skip the questions all together. “Don’t ask a question just to ask one,” says Ankur Kumar, director of MBA admissions and financial aid at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. “There is no penalty for having done your homework.”

Still, most say there’s only so much you can learn from the website and other sources. They would prefer that applicants take advantage of the opportunity to delve deeper into the experience they might have if they enroll.

“Applicants might feel like they know enough,” says Sneva. “But you never know enough until you’re here.”


Ditty Dum Ditty Doo
May 1, 2012
Thanks @Mr Uncle Leroy :bow:

I was prepared for the questions (been coached) but I forgot to think of questions to ask:krs:
@harry longfellow , it's a target school in cali. I don't wan't to give up too much info and end up on the summer jam screen:skip:
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Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Thanks @Mr Uncle Leroy :bow:

I was prepared for the questions (been coached) but I forgot to think of questions to ask:krs:
@harry longfellow , it's a target school in cali. I don't wan't to give up too much info and end up on the summer jam screen:skip:
must be Stanford, USC, UCLA or Berkeley :salute:
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Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
Thanks @Mr Uncle Leroy :bow:

I was prepared for the questions (been coached) but I forgot to think of questions to ask:krs:
@harry longfellow , it's a target school in cali. I don't wan't to give up too much info and end up on the summer jam screen:skip:
man bruh stop bein all secretive. im tryna get into Haas or Stanford GSB

hit me up on pm :damn:
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Apr 30, 2012

I've got 2 more years before I think I'm ready for B-School. This is valuable information.


All Star
May 6, 2012
some possible questions

Tell me about yourself
How would your friends describe you?
What makes you different from the other candidates for this position?
Describe the accomplishment of which you are the most proud.
Why should we hire you?
What strengths and attributes could you bring to this position?
Why did you choose (undergrad)?
How did you select your concentration?
Describe the course that has had the greatest impact on your thinking.
How did you become involved in your extracurricular activities?
How did you find your summer jobs?
Describe the job or the activity which has had the greatest impact on
your career goals.
If you could make a major policy change at (UG) (or another
institution with which you are affiliated), what would it be?
What are your career and educational goals?
What would you like to be doing five/ten years from now?
Why are you pursuing this field?
What interests/impresses you about this organization?
What do you believe are the key issues and problems in our field today?
What do you think it takes to be successful in this field?
What other jobs/fields are you considering?
In what kind of work environment do you do your best work?
With what kind of people do you like to work?
What kinds of tasks and responsibilities motivate you the most?
What is your ideal job?
Tell me about what you learned from your previous jobs.
What did you dislike most about your last job?
What do you think you would like least about this job/organization/field?
What is your greatest weakness?
Have you ever failed at anything?
What has been your greatest challenge?
What do you enjoy doing outside of work in your free time?
If you had six months ahead with no obligations and no financial constraints, what would you do?
If you could invite anyone you would like to a dinner party (famous or
historical figures, dead or alive), which ten people would you invite?
If you could trade places with someone for a week, who would it be?
What is your favorite book/movie/song/painting-or author/actor/singer/artist?
Which magazines/newspapers do you read regularly?
Which books have you read recently?
What would you like me to know about you that is not on your resume/application?
Do you have any questions you'd like to ask of me?