Which Framework do you feel will always generate income at least for. Im reading the head first html/css and then html5/java books. They have other books im considering copping if the knowledge i obtain is worthwhile.
That's good stick to O'reilly books, you should probably just get the normal programming ones after you finished those, they kinda look like training wheels for development.
If you want a really corporate job, a lot of bigger institutions/coropartions have been bought out by Microsoft so learning ASP.net/VB and C might be good for you. I've always worked at boutique branding/advertising agencies, for most of our clients wordpress works well(since version 3.0 it's been greatly improved and is highly customizable). Most small companies/people want a blog with their site so wordpress makes it easy(it runs on php)
If you want to work in the more hip web-app/social-network development i'd say you should dive head first into ruby and ruby on rails.
After you grasp all that you need to learn about version control(git or svn) and different environments like dev, stage and production.
I'd also enroll in phoenix or some online school and get a degree in computer science, you'll be much better at picking up new languages because youll have learned the basics of what makes up a language and logic behind it.