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Hitler's Holocaust blueprint came from concentration camps in Africa to advance their theories of racial supremacy.
The newly invented Kodak roll-film camera was used by wealthier German officers to take home 'mementoes' of their time in Namibia
Hitler's Holocaust blueprint came from concentration camps in Africa to advance their theories of racial supremacy.
the first Holocaust was born. Shark Island - a bleak rocky islet in the harbour outside Luderitz, Namibia - would become the world's first death camp and the most feared place on earth for all the black peoples of South-West Africa.
Three-and-a-half thousand innocent Africans were liquidated here at the hands of the Germans, decades before the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party, with the tacit sanction of the German emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II, and his ministers.
The over-all figure for deaths at the camp has been estimated as being as many as 3,000.[8]Combined with deaths amongst prisoners held elsewhere in Lüderitz bay, the total may well exceed 4,000.[
The newly invented Kodak roll-film camera was used by wealthier German officers to take home 'mementoes' of their time in Namibia