Rick Fox at UNC
All Star
Recap -- Since 2012 (hitch during pandemic) always catch a movie on Christmas.
2012: Django Unchained
2013: Wolf of Wall Street
2014: American Sniper
2015: Point Break
2016: Patriots Day
2017: The Post
2018: Vice
2019: Uncut Gems
2020: **Pandemic Year**
2021: A Journal for Jordan
Had to catch a flick Christmas day, it was between this joint and the new Matrix flick.
Decided on this and glad I did, movie has a lot of heart. Denzel is always proselytizing and exploring the power of black masculinity and fatherhood, this film is no exception.
Pretty straight forward movie here. Positive throughout even though the fate of 1SG King is already known.
- Importance of black masculinity & fatherhood
- Individual and collective sacrifice
- Creation over destructible
- Gratitude
- Positivity even through tragedy
- Family and support systems (actual or chosen)
I Question...:
- A bit saccharine at times
- Not a political movie but vaguely political at points
- Religious stuff is meh but I get it
Take your black ass to a theater and support it (or download).
2012: Django Unchained
2013: Wolf of Wall Street
2014: American Sniper
2015: Point Break
2016: Patriots Day
2017: The Post
2018: Vice
2019: Uncut Gems
2020: **Pandemic Year**
2021: A Journal for Jordan
Had to catch a flick Christmas day, it was between this joint and the new Matrix flick.
Decided on this and glad I did, movie has a lot of heart. Denzel is always proselytizing and exploring the power of black masculinity and fatherhood, this film is no exception.
Pretty straight forward movie here. Positive throughout even though the fate of 1SG King is already known.
- Importance of black masculinity & fatherhood
- Individual and collective sacrifice
- Creation over destructible
- Gratitude
- Positivity even through tragedy
- Family and support systems (actual or chosen)
I Question...:
- A bit saccharine at times
- Not a political movie but vaguely political at points
- Religious stuff is meh but I get it
Take your black ass to a theater and support it (or download).