Andrew Tate arrested in Romania

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012

Nikkas is wrong for this…:martin:

So wrong…:martin:


When the feminist wants to humiliate you, they really gonna go IN.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Andrew Tate bragging about how corrupt Romania is, is basically a repeat of when BMF was putting up billboards in downtown ATL.

You’re basically taunting law enforcement at that point. :francis:

Not only that, but dude got all kinda videos and interviews bragging about how corrupt Romania is, how he can throw money around and do what he wants....

Now the go-to excuse his fan boys use to explain his arrest is "well, you know Romania is corrupt".:gucci:


The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
Not only that, but dude got all kinda videos and interviews bragging about how corrupt Romania is, how he can throw money around and do what he wants....

Now the go-to excuse his fan boys use to explain his arrest is "well, you know Romania is corrupt".:gucci:

Further proof that CACs in general, but especially conservatives, are full of shyt and a bunch of hypocrites.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
His fans will help him out financially. His hustle is ultimately a lucrative one. He is what a child assumes a man is supposed to be. He's physically fit and has nobody telling him what he is or isn't allowed to do. He has money and treats women however he feels like and they come back to him. To a 13 year old, that's what a man is. To adult men who have actually had life experience, this is a dude who doesn't know who he is or what he wants in life and is just putting out an image to re assure himself that he's winning.

Well look at where all that flexing and anger got him. The sad fact is the people who need to learn from him won't. They'll feel like this dude is being railroaded despite the evidence to the contrary because they want to desperately see themselves in him. He's built himself up as an image of success and so it seems impossible that a man like that could be fairly taken down. Add to the fact that some men have already potentially spent thousands of dollars on his products, they can't walk away feeling that they took a financial L. It's the gambler's fallacy and motivated reasoning coming together

The ironic thing about the "men can't be men anymore" nonsense is that the real crux is generations of failed fathers not preparing their sons to be men. No normal father would tell his son that women are useless after the age of 23, or women should be beaten when they don't listen, or that it doesn't matter what a woman does for work because you're the Top G alpha. Now imagine a father confronting all that shyt with his son. Asking his son...if I felt that way about women over 23, I wouldn't be married to your mother who is in her [insert age]. That would be a bad thing right? Right. Do you think it would be a good thing if I hit your mother? No? No. Your mom working helps us live in this house, that's a good thing right? Right.

That lack of fatherly advice and DISIPLINE explains a lot of behavior these days. And it explains why this caricature of masculinity is taken seriously. I think a lot of behavior today is the result of a lack of social relationships. People no longer have that big brother, big sister, best friend etc to tell them "no that's...dumb." Instead everything is done for internet validation or clout, where extremism is valued over restraint or normalcy.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Tha "manosphere" is really just dudes trying to get the kind of mentorship their fathers SHOULD have given them. People will spend all day attacking the symptoms but not the disease. A guy like Andrew tate can only become so popular in a context where fathers are missing and people are desperate to make money. This man is promising men that if they pay him, he'll unlock the secrets to getting Women and becoming rich like him. It's a scam thats old, but it hits extra hard because of the reach of social media and the amount of sexually frustrated males out here in the world. Fathers are being pushed to work themselves to death, mothers are being pushed to never be satisfied in their relationships. The result is parents that aren't engaged in their children's development. those kids start turning to a man who will tell them what they think they need to hear to be happy in life. But its cap and theyre afraid because if it's true, if this dude really is a fraud then what hope do they have of escaping poverty and loneliness ?


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
The ironic thing about the "men can't be men anymore" nonsense is that the real crux is generations of failed fathers not preparing their sons to be men. No normal father would tell his son that women are useless after the age of 23, or women should be beaten when they don't listen, or that it doesn't matter what a woman does for work because you're the Top G alpha. Now imagine a father confronting all that shyt with his son. Asking his son...if I felt that way about women over 23, I wouldn't be married to your mother who is in her [insert age]. That would be a bad thing right? Right. Do you think it would be a good thing if I hit your mother? No? No. Your mom working helps us live in this house, that's a good thing right? Right.

That lack of fatherly advice and DISIPLINE explains a lot of behavior these days. And it explains why this caricature of masculinity is taken seriously. I think a lot of behavior today is the result of a lack of social relationships. People no longer have that big brother, big sister, best friend etc to tell them "no that's...dumb." Instead everything is done for internet validation or clout, where extremism is valued over restraint or normalcy.

completely captured it in the very first sentence.


Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Tha "manosphere" is really just dudes trying to get the kind of mentorship their fathers SHOULD have given them. People will spend all day attacking the symptoms but not the disease. A guy like Andrew tate can only become so popular in a context where fathers are missing and people are desperate to make money. This man is promising men that if they pay him, he'll unlock the secrets to getting Women and becoming rich like him. It's a scam thats old, but it hits extra hard because of the reach of social media and the amount of sexually frustrated males out here in the world. Fathers are being pushed to work themselves to death, mothers are being pushed to never be satisfied in their relationships. The result is parents that aren't engaged in their children's development. those kids start turning to a man who will tell them what they think they need to hear to be happy in life. But its cap and theyre afraid because if it's true, if this dude really is a fraud then what hope do they have of escaping poverty and loneliness ?

I honestly blame the mantra of my generation given to my baby boomer parents that "Education will make everything OK" while neglecting on all other aspects of masculinity and basic humanity. A lot of these men, thanks to some of their parents, passed on play time, hanging out with their friends, meeting with family members, and forgone hobbies like sports all for school work and intellectual development; all for the promise of "Getting an education will get you all the p*ssy and money you need".

Now those men grown up and gotten NOTHING out of that lifelong sacrifice of hobbies and entertainment and socialization of their peers outside of paper debt and a job that pays barely above minimum wage. Now these men, who are deficient in all other aspects of their humanity as young adults, are desperately searching for the truth and why their elders and teachers lied to them. There is no more mutual trust or basic respect among thee young men and their authority figures because these young dudes feel like they been the victim of deception and want mentors to properly teach them a way out of the boring rat race called the 9-5 and stop underachieving with women.

That is when the Red Pill Movement steps in.

First, you get someone like these PUAs that teach you shyt like body language and wording patterns and other shyt to make women ATTRACTED to you. Then comes in Kevin Samuels that's speaking to those women with delusional and superficial expectations from men. Then comes Andrew Tate and his whole lot of problems.


Sep 15, 2019
It’s strange that much of the manosphere complains about woke culture, says women are delusional, and also black people play the victim yet it’s exactly what’s happening.

If Andrew tate and his followers would say “ I take responsibility for my actions and I brought this upon myself” I could respect that. But blaming his being locked up on “ the matrix”? Lol. If that ain’t some victim shyt I don’t know what is.

Tate is the 2023 character Tyler durden from fight club for YouTube. He just added a English accent. This also shows as parents you must mentally prepare your kids before releasing them in this jungle of a world or they will be food.