And the winner of creepiest poster currently on the coli is @winb83

Paper Boi

May 15, 2013
some of you already know who this creepy fukk is, but I would venture to guess the majority of our coli users aren't knee deep in the arcadium especially the dr disrespect thread.


we got a SELF PROCLAIMED 52 year old man who, according to users I trust, been a weirdo since the SOHH days out here defending a SELF ADMITTED cac sexual predator. for those who don't know that story, basically a super famous streamer cac got caught DMing underage girls, probably sexting them if we being honest, and planning to meet up with them at twitchcon.

for whatever reason creepy mf @winb83 has decided to just run defense for him, defying all logic, using all types of what aboutisms. before I get to the Dr. Disrespect shyt tho, let's take a look at @Swagnificent.... I mean @winb83 post history

Age of Consent
16 is the age of consent in many states. I'm not saying a 33 year old man should date a 16 year old but it's legal in many states.

16 is the age of consent in my state so whatever.

interesting progression there.

22 years old has been out of high school 3 years. Mentally that's a different place then 16-18. If you're 18 there's a good chance you're a senior in high school. For the common high schooler the maturity ain't there. Even coming out of high school it will take a year or 2 to shed that mentality. The first year or 2 of college I was around a few people I graduated with and they were still mentally high schoolers.

:jbhmm: interesting, so he knows that someone that age is clearly not mentally developed.

16-17 is of legal age of consent in most of the country. Also pedos aren't attracted to 16-17 year old. Pedos like pre-pubescent children.

ahhh yes the typical "well actually" definition semantics shyt pedos always do. onto the next section.


Technically pedophiles aren’t into that age group. They like pre-pubescent children. 15-17 is ephebophile so he’s that.

If you think an adult that's sexually attracted to a 16 year old girl is a pedo you clearly don't know what a pedo is because they wouldn't touch someone that old. Personally I feel if you're 21 and up dating somebody 18 is stupid. You should only date and have sex with people about your same age and an 18 year old might still be in high school and if you're 21 you been outta high school for years.

That being said the law says it's fine so I wouldn't give anybody shyt for it. There's not that much of a difference between somebody 18 and somebody 16. Both are driving a car and both are likely still in high school. I don't consider an 18 year old grown. If your age has the word teen after it you're still a teenager and if you aren't several years removed from high school you've probably still got a high school mentality.

The term is ephebophile or hebephile by the way not pedophile. the formers is into 10-19 age range and the latter is into children under the age of 10 that haven't gone through puberty.

so which one are you? because you seem very invested in the semantic differences.

Weirdo JBO Fantasies
Cartoons are just that. This chick is talking about actual adults and real children. No adult in their right mind finds a child sexually attractive. Saying people who watch hentai are pedophiles is like saying people who watch violent movies or play violent games aspire to be killers. The vast majority of people can watch some fictional work and go about their business.

idk how I got this quote, but yeah if you watch hentai and given all your other sus behavior, you probably are a pedo. hentai is a good sign of sexual deviance.


I'm not usually at a loss for words, but I don't know where to begin to point out every single thing wrong with this. very @Swagnificent vibes. creepy. pedo shyt.

it's very interesting because as I was trying to dig up shyt, I searched consent and he seems to have full grasp on how consent works. doesn't seem to be a full blown rapist, but seems to think 16 is fine cuz the age of consent even though he fully admitted people that age are not mature. he a pedo or an epedo or whatever weird ass scrabble dictionary definition he wants to use.
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Paper Boi

May 15, 2013
Dr. Disrespect Thread

lastly I'm going to address the Dr. Disrespect shyt this was originally supposed to be in the OP, but too many words. I'm going to put it all in spoilers so that the entire page isn't taken up by my analysis (this is what sparked me to look deeper into his post history)

So this guy did some bullshyt before his YouTube days. It leaks what he did and YouTube suspends his accounts? Has nothing to do with them. That's between him, the person in question, and Twitch.

this goes on and on for posts so I'm not going to address the other stupidity on the post here, but just note how he chalks up creepy certified pedophile behavior as "some bullshyt"

They turned off his subscriptions money and he was accused of talking sexual to a minor and allegedly trying to meet up with them on Twitch.

I get that they don't approve of what he did but how does it even involve them?

approve of what he did lol. it involves them because they pay him to stream on their website where other minors might easily fall victim, not that you'd care about "some bullshyt" like that.

Whatever he may or may not have done was before his deal with them. Do you feel comfortable with your employer pulling some shyt up from your past that pre-dates you working for them and using it to penalize you? It has nothing to do with them. Now if they find evidence he's involved in that now it's a different story. If not they should stay out of it.

I'm not defending him or what he did I'm saying it's flat out wrong for an employer to do what they're doing.

yes if I am a public facing representative of the company and have gone on social media to admit to being a sexual predator, I would want my company to fire me. I would fire me if that was my business. what the fukk are you smoking. he's not some anonymous guy working at the factory or back end of Wal-Mart. this guy was a highly paid representative of youtube gaming or whatever the fukk. youtube gets revenue from ads, who wants to put ads on a self admitted predator video exactly? please man. idk what skeletons you hiding, but I hope your employer fires you too if they find out you think it's ok to fukk 16 year olds honestly.

Some of you people are crazy. You think what he did justifies YouTube retaliating against him for something that has nothing to do with them and doesn't involve them? They profited off him for years. Are they gonna count all that money they got from him being on their platform and give it to a charity? No. Nah they'll keep that money then act like they suddenly grew a conscious when that incident is why he ended up signing to YouTube in the first place.

Say you tell me to kill myself and I do. Down the line you get a job and it comes to light you harassed and encouraged someone to kill themself online and your employer retaliates against you. According to your logic that's ok.

you don't seem to understand how retaliation works in the workplace. retaliation is if I get treated differently for reporting a harassment/discrimination transgression of people in the workplace, or report some other impropriety i.e. safety violations. I won't respond to the last part, but if my employers saw this thread I'm making, I probably wouldn't be punished for that. again though I'm not a front facing face of the platform and my company doesn't derive revenue from selling ads to my video game stream that probably has lots of children viewing it, but hey... no use in logic here.

screenshotted the post though because the warning got me :dead:


Just because someone did something you don't like doesn't mean what ever happens to them is justified as a result. I understand that and you seemingly don't.

What he did was very problematic but it had nothing to do with YouTube. YouTube doesn't care that he was talking to a child that way in the slightest. All YouTube cares about is the negative publicity they'll get if they aren't seen taking some sort of action against him even if they're more than ok keeping the money they got from his deal with them.

You're more concerned with what the man did rather than the fact that his employer basically retaliated against him for something that didn't involve them in the slightest and that they actually benefited from and that happened before he was even under them since it was the reason they were able to sign him.

you are more concerned with this fake not real "retaliation" claim than you are with the fact that the man is a CHILD PREDATOR. you are fukking sick in the head. even if they took some type of unethical retaliation against him, it would not be as bad as trying to fukk underage fans. HR violations suck (there wasn't one here), but pedo shyt is worse. get it together.

there are actually more to respond to, but I'm losing patience. I can address the remaining 20 posts he made juelzing if the people want it.
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