Ancient Kemet ("Egypt") - Nubia Pan African Civilization & Diffusion Model


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Let me start off by saying look at the specific people not the land. Also, Yes this is a smoke thread..I want it all!
I've made this thread in the lockerroom a while ago, but due to distractions this topic was turned into a "was ancient Egypt Black" debate. At this point that debate is nonsense, and has been ever since UNCESO 1974 when C.A. Diop and Obenga laid all naysaying to rest. The new point of contention is rather or not so called "West Africans" or other "Sub Saharan Africans" can claim ancient Kemet, since there is such a remote distance between them. I notice that when the debate on the race of these people was taking place, this notion that West Africans (and particularly African Americans) are somehow meddling and or "stealing history" is thrown about (mostly by the non Black posters who are camped here on this site for the purpose gas lighting this clearly important issue) as a way to somehow shame us from stating facts. There is this forced assumption against all common sense that the modern inhabitants of Egypt and Sudan today are the same people who lived there 2,500 years ago. Many Black people will point to the Sudanese and Southern Egyptians today still having Black skin, and assume that this is the Black African element that comprised the ancient civilization. These people are sorely misinformed, and it sadly reflects that they have no clue who they are.

The fact of the matter is, during dynastic times in Kemet, and points earlier most of the diverse African people who currently live in Sub Saharan Africa all once co-inhabited the World's longest river from central Africa all the way into the Mediterranean. All of these groups make the claims to have originated in this region, which includes not only West African Niger-Congo speaking groups and Bantu's but also Nilotic African groups like the Kalejin and Chadic peoples. Groups like the Akan, Wolof, Mandinka, Yoruba, Igbo, Bamleke, etc etc all acknowledge that their earlier history (let me bold this, since some people won't or will pretend not to understand what is being argued) goes back to living in Nubia and or Kemet in Northeast Africa. Kemet lasted until around 500 BC when the Persians invaded. Once this happened there was a migration immediately to the South into Nubia where Meroe was established as the new Black capital city. Meroe lasted for about a millennium until it was destroyed by internal African-Semitic (Habesha) forces. Once Meroe was gone, then the migrations from Northeast Africa into "Sub Saharan Africa" began to occur. This is a new genesis in African history, but for some reason there are even Black people who will tell us to ignore the more ancient genesis in Northeast Africa, and only focus on what was built in our second genesis into Sub Saharan Africa.

This is not "My theory" or a "new" theory, white - Europeans before they codified their lies in the mid 1800's acknowledged this fact in ancient African history as they studied themselves and were told by the Africans whom they were living amongst and studying at the time. C.A. Diop (Wolof) and C. Williams broke the details of these genesis and migrations down in their books that have yet to be refuted. None the less I will see black people all up in their emotions centered around inferiority telling me about something that they have never studied, and only accepted distorted images sponsored by our advisories (watching too much fukkin T.V. and then sanctifying what they see) where they have developed a perverted perception of what it is. They will ask for all the proof without knowing what kind of proof is actually needed to validate these claims, including genetic evidence. Which I've broke down here years ago.


Let's take one example of a group in "West Africa" who traces their ancient origins to Northeast Africa/Nile Valley civilization.

The Akan People

"Oral traditions of the ruling Abrade (Aduana) Clan state that Akans originated from ancient Ghana. The Akan people migrated from the north through Egypt and settled in Nubia (Sudan). Around 500 AD (5th century), due to the pressure exerted on Nubia by the Axumite kingdom of Ethiopia, Nubia was scattered and the Akan people moved west and established small trading kingdoms.




These kingdoms grew and around 750 AD the Ghana Empire was formed. The Empire lasted from 750 AD to 1200 AD and collapsed as a result of the introduction of Islam in Western Sudan, due to the zeal of the Muslims to impose their religion, their ancestors eventually left for Kong (i.e. present-day Ivory Coast). From Kong, they moved to Wam and then to Dormaa (both located in present-day Brong-Ahafo region). The movement from Kong was necessitated by the desire of the people to find suitable savannah conditions since they were not used to forest life. Around the 14th century, they moved from Dormaa South Eastwards to Twifo-Heman North West Cape Coast. This move was commercially motivated."



Even with DNA maps showing the Northeast African origins of Bantu-NIger-Congo speakers, and a subsequent migration from Northeast Africa into West Africa, you will still have slow Negroes....trying to ignore the earlier genesis of our people in Northeast Africa.


The oldest finding of our paternal haplogroup is not in West Africa (only Mbuti/Pygmies were there


Ancient West African foragers in the context of African population history
Mark Lipson, Isabelle Ribot, […]David Reich

Nature (2020)

Our knowledge of ancient human population structure in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly prior to the advent of food production, remains limited. Here we report genome-wide DNA data from four children—two of whom were buried approximately 8,000 years ago and two 3,000 years ago—from Shum Laka (Cameroon), one of the earliest known archaeological sites....However, the genome-wide ancestry profiles of all four individuals are most similar to those of present-day hunter-gatherers from western Central Africa, which implies that populations in western Cameroon today—as well as speakers of Bantu languages from across the continent—are not descended substantially from the population represented by these four people

but in the royalty of ancient Northeast African civilization;

We amplified 16 Y chromosomal, short tandem repeats (AmpF\STR Yfiler PCR amplification kit; Applied Biosystems).........Genetic kinship analyses revealed identical haplotypes in both mummies (table 1⇓); using the Whit Athey’s haplogroup predictor, we determined the Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a


DNAtribes Ramses III and his son

The affinity is closest among the Bantu and Nilotic African groups



The ancient Kemetic language is obviously a Bantu-LInga Franca for various African language families. The denial of the Niger-Congo-Nilo Saharan connection to ancient Kemet has been a backbone in Eurocentric gaslighting on this issue. Eurocentrics have no problem implicating a primary relationship between Kemet and so called "Afro-Asiatic" speakers, because they have based that entire concept on utter lies. The language family "Afro-Asiatic" has never been verified to be an actual language via reconstruction to a common ancestors. It is a Eurocentric farce, and the more I see Negroes thinking that they are "smart" by parroting these Eurocentric tropes without using a critical eye, the more I see how bad a shape my people are in mentally. Obenga, Mbole, and now Ausar Imhotep have proven via reconstruction of Obenga's Negro-Egyptian model that ancient Kemet was related to not only Bantu, but all Black African languages minus Khoisan and Berber.


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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
For people (especially Black people) to look at the comparison below, and not understand what they clearly imply about ancient African history and diffusion is again telling of our emotional state and the affect that this has on our inteligence.











