This phrase has been the most successful phrase pushed during the social media disinformation era.Because their voters don't hold them accountable,
or maybe Most folks don't expect to have an abortion and believe that it is a situation you can avoid with some responsibility.indoctrinated, and vote based on issues like abortion and religion
So when you compare that to something lol taxes, which we all pay, it isn't hard to see why folks can prioritize based on self interests or even religion.
Or maybe you have a mix of well to do folks who don't have to worry about these things and a group of people who are used to living the way they do and don’t miss something they’ve never had thus don’t see the value.Many of them will vote against their own self interest. It's ingrained in their identity to vote the way they do.
Dems won across NC with vanilla candidates in a step Trump won.The biggest portion of voters who vote for democrats are nowhere near as passionate and dedicated to voting. You put out a vanilla candidate and they just won't show up.
You keep speaking in sweeping's not really helpful beyond wanting to feel like you have all the answers.
It's strange to me, considering you're on a sight where folks express why they feel the way they do.
Sure you can write everyone off as indoctrinated, religious, stupid, or whatever else, but at the end of the days those peoples votes matter just as much as your own..