Amerikkka Prepares To Celebrate Its Barbarism


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
July 4th: Celebrating 400 years of slavery,rape, murder, plunder, genocide, racism, and tyranny.

Oh we have so many hypocrisies at work with these beasts celebrating their thuggery, year after year,to the point that its becoming sickening for me to even hear of the day.

Hypocrisy at its worst, is what July 4th is each year , here you have the biggest thug criminal in Amerikkka celebrating how it defeated their other thug brethren in the british empire, in gaining control of "stolen goods" of the land of the indigenous Native population, while almost completely wiping them off the map.

"It is not even true to say that capitalism developed democracy at home in Europe and not abroad. At home, it was responsible for a talk or certain rhetoric of freedom but it was never extended from the bourgeoisie to the oppressed workers; and the treatment of Africans must surely have made such hypocrisy a habit of European life, especially within the ruling class. How else can one explain the fact that the Christian church participated fully in the maintenance of slavery and still talked about saving souls."

Walter Rodney

The hypocrisy reached its highest levels inside the U.S.A. The first martyr in the American national war of liberation against the British colonialists in the 18th century was an African descendant, Crispus Attucks; and both slave and free Africans played a key role in Washington’s armies. And yet, the American Constitution with its famous preamble that ‘all men are created equal’ sanctioned the continued enslavement of Africans. In recent times, it has become an object of concern to some liberals that the U.S.A. is capable of war crimes of the order of My Lai in Vietnam. But the fact of the matter is that the My Lais began with the enslavement of Africans and American Indians. Racism, violence and brutality were the concomitants of the capitalist system when it extended itself abroad in the early centuries of international trade."

Walter Rodney in "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa"

The white supremacist education system teaches and totally ignores the savage facts surrounding their so called "glorious past".....they teach you about ole Paul Revere gallopin on a horse to warn of the "English Coming", and they flood you with revolutionary Amerikkkan heroes such as ole Patrick Henry, with who they celebrate like a god, yet throughout history and recent times, any African that's tried to use revolution as their basis to free themselves from white rule, then its "separatists" or anti-white of them..... Such as how they demeaned our shining revolutionary prince Malik El Hajj Shabazz(Malcolm X) or Patrice Lumumba,Marcus Garvey,and so on and so on.

They teach you about George Washington battling the English armies,but yet they don't tell you how good ole George owned slaves and sold one once for a keg of molasses......A KEG OF MOLASSES.



Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
The european colonists killed off millions of american natives and enslaved africans with such tactics as murder, mixing/miscegenation,rape, genocide, deliberate starvation, relocation, alcohol, western diet, and most importantly, disease. lots of disease.

In fact, this was one of the first documented cases of effective biological warfare and was by far the most effective method of depopulation.

Nearly all scholars now believe that widespread epidemic disease and miscegenation/mixing, to which the natives and africans had no prior exposure or resistance to, was the overwhelming cause of the massive population decline of the Native Americans and the reasonably low population of Africans in Amerikkka.

Diseases and epidemics can be chronicled from centuries ago when European settlers brought diseases that devastated entire tribes to the modern day, now Native Americans and Afrikans face serious struggles with particular diseases contacted and genetically mixed through generations with caucasoids.