The operation in Nigeria that Milley mentioned was the rescue of Philip Walton, the son of a Christian missionary who had been captured in neighboring Niger in 2020. You can read more about how U.S. special operations forces successfully retrieved Walton, a mission that involved CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotors supported by various tankers flying long-distance from a base in Spain, here.
Secret American Special Operations Mission Rescued A Hostage In Africa This Week (Updated)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley revealed the hostage rescue mission in Africa during a speech.
American Held Hostage in Africa Is Freed (Published 2023)
Jeffery Woodke, an aid worker abducted in Niger by militants, was released after more than six years in captivity. A second hostage was also released: Olivier Dubois, a French journalist who disappeared in April 2021.
According to the video, the man speaking says there is a training/breeding program for cryptid type man/wolf looking creatures, avg 7 to 8 ft tall, 380lbs.
He said off the record it was the cryptids he trained who helped rescue the American, that's why no American lives where lost. They work in groups of 10 with 1 human handler on the mission.
In other videos he said they tried the same program with sasquatch and dogmen, but those programs failed...