American founder of orphanage in Haiti is charged with having sex with minors


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

American founder of orphanage in Haiti is charged with having sex with minors
By Jacqueline CharlesandUpdated January 23, 2024 3:29 PM
Haiti Abuse Allegations

U.S. citizen Michael Karl Geilenfeld waits in handcuffs as the manager of his orphanage sits with him in the back of a police truck outside the St. Joseph’s Home For Boys after police closed it down in the Delmas area of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Friday, Sept. 5, 2014. Geilenfeld, who founded the boy’s orphanage in 1985, was charged in a Denver federal court on Jan. 21, 2024, with having sex with minors. AP Photo
A U.S. man who founded an orphanage in Haiti was charged Monday with traveling from Miami to the Caribbean country to have sex with underage children after spending over a decade dodging accusations that he abused minors in his care.

Michael Karl Geilenfeld, 71, who was arrested Saturday in Denver, had even won a multimillion-dollar defamation lawsuit in a Maine federal court against an advocate who accused him of sexually abusing boys at his orphanage in Haiti. Geilenfeld had also been arrested in Haiti on the very same allegations that landed him in a Port-au-Prince jail amid the defamation battle —only to have the case dismissed by a judge when some of his alleged victims were a no-show in court.

Geilenfeld is expected to have a detention hearing in federal court in Denver on Thursday, and will later be flown to Miami. A federal grand jury has indicted him on a charge of traveling to Haiti from Miami International Airport “for the purpose of engaging in any illicit sexual conduct with another person under 18.” Geilenfeld is accused of traveling to the country between November 2006 and December 2010, when he was operating the St. Joseph’s Home for Boys in Port-au-Prince. He founded the orphanage in 1985.

The alleged sex-tourism offense, investigated by Homeland Security Investigations and the FBI, carries a possible sentence of up to 30 years in prison.

Paul Kendrick, a Maine resident who had accused Geilenfeld of being a serial pedophile and led a campaign demanding justice for his Haitian victims, told the Miami Herald that he was on the verge of tears. Kendrick was twice sued by Geilenfeld for defamation.

“I am very grateful that the U.S. government pursued the investigation of this guy and that the grand jury heard the evidence, heard the testimony and has indicted him,” Kendrick, 74, said. “I, on a daily basis, think about the terrible, terrible harm done to these poor, mostly street kids in Haiti by Geilenfeld. Just terrible abuse, the terrible guilt and shame they live with on a daily basis. Their own struggles to find safe shelter and food.”

Haiti Abuse Defamation
Paul Kendrick, a Maine resident, had accused Michael Geilenfeld of being a serial pedophile and led a campaign demanding justice for his Haitian victims. AP Photo
Active in his local Catholic diocese, Kendrick, a graduate of Fairfield University, a private Jesuit school in Connecticut, first visited Haiti in 2003 where he joined a medical group on a visit to Cap-Haïtien, the country’s second largest city. There, he met Douglas Perlitz, a Colorado native and fellow graduate of Fairfield. Years later, Perlitz was convicted in a New Haven, Conn., federal court of sexually abusing Haitian minors at his Project Pierre Toussaint School for homeless children, which he founded for street children.

Perlitz’s conviction led to a missionary contacting a. local Haitian journalist, Cyrus Sibert, about Geilenfeld and allegations that he too was engaged in similar behavior. After Sibert broke the story, Kendrick got in touch with him after also being contacted about the Iowa native. Together, the two led a years-long email and and blog campaign on SurvivorsVoices demanding Geilenfeld’s arrest and justice for the survivors of his abuse.

“We started making noise, asking questions, wanting to be assured kids were safe there; just leaned on it, leaned on it hard to the point the nonprofit, Hearts with Haiti, and Geilenfeld were co-plaintiffs in a lawsuit saying, ‘It never happened; he’s never abused a child, never ever,’ ” Kendrick said. “They stood by this guy and called anyone names who dared to believe the victims, the dozens of young people coming forward, a terrible thing.”

The Herald reached out to Hearts with Haiti, a North Carolina nonprofit that raised money for Geilenfeld’s orphanage, but had not received a reply by publication.

“This arrest sends a strong signal to all child abusers that despite their schemes to discourage victims, witnesses and children’s rights activists, as Martin Luther King said, ‘the curve of history tends towards justice,’ ” Sibert said.

Kendrick’s accusations against Geilenfeld began in 2011, but it was three years before Haitian police arrested him in 2014 in Port-au-Prince. After Geilenfeld spent a year in jail on suspicion of charges of indecent assault and criminal conspiracy, his case was dismissed by a judge after five of his alleged victims didn’t appear at a key hearing. The victims filed an appeal. Though it was granted, the case has yet to be retried.

At the time of his Haiti arrest, Geilenfeld had an ongoing defamation lawsuit in federal court in Maine against Kendrick. Geilenfeld and Hearts with Haiti accused Kendrick of costing the orphanage over $1.5 million in donations.

A federal jury sided with Geilenfeld. He was awarded $7 million and the North Carolina-based charity was awarded $7.5 million. “I had U.S. marshals putting liens on my property,” Kendrick recalled. “It was just a hard time. But do I regret any of it on behalf of these poor kids? No, no, no. This guy is a monster.”

It was eventually decided on appeal that Geilenfeld wasn’t living in the U.S. when he filed the complaint, and therefore lacked jurisdiction to sue in federal court. After the verdict was thrown out, Geilenfeld refiled in Maine state court. Kendrick’s insurance company in the fall of 2019 settled the six-year-old defamation case, and agreed to pay Hearts with Haiti $3 million but nothing to Geilenfeld.

Kendrick believes the reason for the revived interest in Geilenfeld, whose whereabouts became unknown after the Haitian government shut down his orphanage, is due to some of the victims coming forward during his legal dispute. Some of them, he said, were young, and that caught the attention of Homeland Security investigators, who traveled to the Dominican Republic to interview alleged victims.

At one point Geilenfeld was living in the neighboring country where he was arrested in 2019 and then ordered deported to Haiti after Haitian authorities re-issued a warrant on child sexual-abuse allegations and demanded he appear before a judge. Instead of being sent to Haiti, he was allowed to reenter the United States on a flight to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, with the help of the U.S. State Department and the embassy in Santo Domingo, Kendrick said at the time.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Part 2

U.S. authorities now believe that there are potentially many more victims of Geilenfeld’s during the 30 years he spent in Haiti, and they are asking them to step forward.

Arielle Jeanty Villedrouin, the head of Haiti’s child welfare agency, welcomed Geilenfeld’s arrest and says she hopes that justice can finally be served in the case. She noted that in 2013 her agency, along with police and prosecutors, shut down Geilenfeld’s St. Joseph’s Home for Boys based on the suspicions he was sexually abusing minors. The children were all temporarily relocated, provided counseling and reunited with their families, she said.

“I am happy to see that this case is coming to a resolution after all of these years, and it is good for these young people who are now adults that justice can finally be served,” Villedrouin said. “This also sends a message to others intending to engage in this same behavior that they will eventually be arrested.”

Cases of child sex trafficking and sex tourism incidents are not unheard of in the troubled country where in 2021 it was estimated that there were about 30,000 children living in 750 residential care centers like orphanages.

READ MORE: Pope Francis pleads for Haitian nuns’ release, as gang violence and kidnappings spike

Although the country’s child-welfare office has led efforts to combat sex tourism by requiring hotels, restaurants and bars to report any suspected incidents, the State Department said in its recent Trafficking in Persons Report that the Haitian government did not make efforts to reduce demand for sex acts.

Most of Haiti’s trafficking cases involve children in forced labor and sex trafficking in domestic service, commonly called restavek situations, the State Department said. In 2022, a nongovernmental organization estimated that two-thirds of the children in forced labor situations are girls, mostly victims of sex trafficking.

International child sex tourism in Haiti usually involves tourists being from the United States, Canada and Europe, the State Department said. Emerging practices include “bride-buying,” in which men pay between $100 to $200 to the families of girls as young as 14. Traffickers also target children in orphanages, most of which operate without a license or proper Haitian government oversight.

One of the more high profile sex tourism cases involved Perlitz, who was accused of having spent a decade abusing children attending his northern Haiti school. One of the more recent cases to be prosecuted by U.S. authorities involved a former resident of Bradenton, Florida, who ran an orphanage in southeastern Haiti.

In 2018, Daniel John Pye was sentenced to 40 years in prison after he was convicted on child-sex tourism charges. A 12-member jury found him guilty of traveling to Haiti on at least three separate dates for the purpose of engaging in illicit sexual conduct with minor girls in his care at an orphanage in Jacmel and a nearby beach between 2006 and 2012.

At trial, Pye was depicted by prosecutors as a missionary with a dark side who traveled from Miami to Haiti to sexually abuse underage girls. One girl, according to a government witness, was 12 years-old.

The same year of Pye’s arrest, another sex scandal involving foreigners in Haiti made headlines. Workers with the British charity Oxfam were accused of hiring prostitutes in the aftermath of the country’s 2010 earthquake. In response to the revelations, the Haitian government at the time removed the charity’s right to operate.

Both the issue of sex workers and protecting children from exploitation is a thorny issue in Haiti, where deepening poverty has made people vulnerable, and children often lack protection. Many children in orphanages, for example, are not truly orphans but are placed in such homes because their families cannot afford to care for them. It’s estimated that 80 percent of children in orphanages have at least one living parent.

Kendrick, who also had advocated on behalf of Perlitz’s victims, said he is anxious to get Geilenfeld “before a jury and have those young people testify to what he did to them.” He hopes that the victims, who he said have had to live with the shame and the abuse, will receive financial reparations similar to Perlitz’s victims.

“The people from the U.S. nonprofit organizations who supported Geilenfeld all of these years and others in Haiti who stayed silent, looked the other way, knew what was going on and did nothing, should be ashamed of themselves for bringing such harm to these children and young people,” Kendrick said. “Let’s get him in jail.”

This story was originally published January 23, 2024, 8:56 AM.
of the Americas.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

American founder of Haitian orphanage sexually abused 4 boys, prosecutor says​

FILE - Michael Geilenfeld arrives at U.S. Bankruptcy Court, July 9, 2015, in Portland, Maine. Geilenfeld, a U.S. founder of a Haitian orphanage, forced four boys who lived in the institution to engage in sexual acts more than a decade ago, and authorities fear he or his supporters may try to intimidate victims trying to seek justice, a prosecutor said Friday, Jan. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File)

FILE - Michael Geilenfeld arrives at U.S. Bankruptcy Court, July 9, 2015, in Portland, Maine. Geilenfeld, a U.S. founder of a Haitian orphanage, forced four boys who lived in the institution to engage in sexual acts more than a decade ago, and authorities fear he or his supporters may try to intimidate victims trying to seek justice, a prosecutor said Friday, Jan. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File)
Read More
DENVER (AP) — An American founder of a Haitian orphanage forced four boys who lived in the institution to engage in sexual acts more than a decade ago, a prosecutor said Friday.

Michael Geilenfeld, 71, is a “dangerous, manipulative and cunning child sexual predator” who for decades has preyed on poor children while working abroad as a missionary, Jessica Urban, a prosecutor with the Justice Department’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, said during a detention hearing in Denver federal court.

Her statements marked the first time authorities have disclosed details of the investigation that led to Geilenfeld’s Jan. 18 indictment in Florida on charges of child sexual abuse. Urban, speaking via a video feed, offered the evidence to support her argument that Geilenfeld should not be released on bond as his case proceeds. She said authorities fear he or his supporters will try to intimidate victims to prevent them from testifying against him.

Magistrate Judge Scott Varholak delayed a decision, saying he needed more information about Geilenfeld’s living situation in Colorado, where he was arrested last weekend.

Other news
Geilenfeld’s attorney, Robert Oberkoetter, also appearing by video feed Friday, told the court that his client had a full-time job taking care of his landlady and her severely disabled child. When Varholak expressed concern that there could be a minor in the home, Geilenfeld, sitting by himself at the defense table, responded, “That person is 33 years old.” Oberkoetter has declined to comment on the allegations against Geilenfeld.

The Florida indictment accuses Geilenfeld of traveling from Miami to Haiti “for the purpose of engaging in any illicit sexual conduct with another person under 18.”

The abuse took place between November 2006 and December 2010, according to the indictment, a time period when Geilenfeld was operating the St. Joseph’s Home for Boys orphanage. The charge carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison.

Varholak said he was concerned that it had taken the government so long to prosecute Geilenfeld, and he questioned how big of a danger he posed now after being free for so long. He also noted that a federal grand jury in North Carolina that investigated Geilenfeld in 2012 didn’t issue an indictment, which he said was a rare occurrence.

In a court filing Thursday, Oberkoetter accused prosecutors of “forum shopping,” a practice in which lawyers try to have cases tried in a jurisdiction where they think they will be more successful.

Authorities in Haiti have long investigated sex abuse allegations against Geilenfeld and arrested him in September 2014 based on allegations made against him by a child advocate in Maine, Paul Kendrick. Kendrick accused Geilenfeld of being a serial pedophile after speaking to young men who claimed they were abused by Geilenfeld when they were boys in Port-au-Prince, the Haitian capital where he founded the orphanage in 1985.

Geilenfeld called the claims “vicious, vile lies,” and his case was dismissed in 2015 after he spent 237 days in prison in Haiti. At some point, Geilenfeld and a charity associated with the orphanage, Hearts for Haiti, sued Kendrick in federal court in Maine. The suit blamed Kendrick for Geilenfeld’s imprisonment, damage to his reputation and the loss of millions of dollars in donations.

Kendrick’s insurance companies ended the lawsuit in 2019 by paying $3 million to Hearts with Haiti, but nothing to Geilenfeld.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I was gonna say.send.him.yl an Haitian prison,but he'd probably bribe his way out
He has been abusing kids for decades
30 years in jail ain't enough
He had already beat some charges and gotten awards from defamation suits only to be taken down by this. Wild story.
Dec 13, 2019
I seriously can't think of any other group that uses their position of power, as a cover to touch kids, like Cacs do...

As priests, adoptive parents, mentors, teachers, sports coaches, UN peace corps, red cross voluntaries etc
Dec 13, 2019

Let me understand this, I gave you a RANGE of fields where Cacs disproportionately dominate as people who use their position of power, as a way to touch kids...And you give me a video about TB Joshua's cult?

Who do you think has more sex cults worldwide? Do some of you understand how stats work? Or is just, "Here here, everyone does it too"?



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Let me understand this, I gave you a RANGE of fields where Cacs disproportionately dominate as people who use their position of power, as a way to touch kids...And you give me a video about TB Joshua's cult?
I’m not denying any of those.

I’m saying when its religiously based charity, especially overseas, its ripe for exploitation

We know how they get down in Africa too.