that's a weird take. i'd get it if it were some man hating woman having a baby on her own because feminism!!!!, but should a woman just settle for letting the dream a of being a mother die if she has found a husband by 40 (generally when you can pretty much call having babies a wrap)?
I'm happy to get your view as a woman since I know how the Coli swerves eventually. I probably wasn't clear enough in my first post so let me elaborate.
I understand a lot of fertility issues indirectly. My wife went to an Ivy League business school and I was dating her at the time. She told me one day that the women in business club had someone come in and talk about egg freezing at one of their meetings. I hadn't known much about that before but even though the ladies there were upper twenties/30 on average their career trajectories and dealing with the dating game put them at risk of having fertility issues. We had kids in our early-mid thirties so didn't have that issue but many friends and family of ours have had many issues concieving or finding a partner. So I get it to a big extent.
My first comment was that the cryobanks need to get their act together and recruit more Black men since if all others have this option I would hope Black women have it as well. So I am not totally against it.
i also don't get the hate for same sex couples, rather a kid be raised by two loving moms (or dads) than a volatile husband & wife.
Look, I am not against single women or same-sex couples having a family on moral grounds or think it should be legally proscribed. I have many friends that had excellent single parents and also know some same-sex couples that would be great parents. I have no problem with them adopting or having kids. I just have two personal views on the issue that conflict with how a lot of modern cryobanks are being used.
First, while I think kids can be raised well in any family type, I personally don't believe you can then conclude all family arrangements are equally good for kids. Many single women do better than couples with a dipshyt dad but in aggregate, I feel, and many statistics point out, outcomes are better for kids raised with two parents, even though most cluster around being 'average parents' by definition. I don't know the dynamics of kids raised by same sex parents vs. opposite sex parents but I still think there is something lost since you can't exactly replicate gender dynamics even if one partner is more masculine/feminine. I still think that having a roughly average mom and dad will in aggregate trump the alternatives and arguing that some mom/dads are terrible and some single moms or same sex couples are excellent doesn't negate that.
Second, and this is exclusively personal, if I gave sperm and years later met the kids and it was a bunch of kids that were like 'meet my mommy' or 'meet my mommies' it would be bittersweet.
On one hand I would be happy the kid was able to exist and that I helped fulfill someone's desire to be a parent.
On the other hand I had have a sinking feeling realizing that I had basically facilitated bringing a bunch of kids into families that had no Black male present
by design.
This may sound harsh, but to argue for greater access Black sperm but to then be equivocating or negative about having a Black man around to contribute to child raising, I just don't completely rock with that even if I understand the circumstances beyond their control, especially in the Black community, that create this conundrum. Just my opinion, not claiming it is a grand moral truth.
Now I understand the next question is whether I would feel better if those women used Whites, Latinos, or Asians as donors since no Black sperm was available. That is the dilemma. I would want them to have access but if everyone thinks like me, there won't be any. My only conclusion at this point is that there should be enough Black men of different view to contribute to allow them to have Black kids though I and others may not be 100% on board with this scenario, especially if it scaled substantially in the future.
This is just one moral dilemma biotechnology is going to hand us this century and the ride is just going to get crazier from here on out.