Am I wrong? (Riots related)


May 14, 2012
I dont really know where to start but im going to jump into it.

The media and the police are currently instigating the citizens of Baltimore as they have done in Ferguson. It's like there is a broken pipe that is gushing water, and instead of acknowledging the source and looking for ways to resolve it, they are standing in front of the water with push brooms, mops and wet vacs sucking up the water and waiting for the water to stop on it's own accord meanwhile hundreds of thousands of dollars in water damage is being done.

This is a crisis situation, and what is done in any other types of crisis situation? Resources are utilized. When shyt broke out in Waco, they had megaphones and phone lines establishing communication with those on the inside, when someone is on a bridge or a building about to jump communication is established, in a few of our country's most infamous prison riots communication was established, basically someone was on the end asking "What do you want? What will it take for this to be over? Why are you doing this etc?" When the towers fell, there were national hotlines people from all over the country to call, crisis counseling available in various cities all over the country for people to talk, there were public forums and meetings hosted in cities where people could go to verbally process and discuss what was happening. Same with Katrina.

I'm not too up on all the local details of what's going on. I dont know if there is any groups or any leaders attached to all the action that is going on, so on the surface is appears chaotic. But while the police just stand there with riot shields get hit with rocks and take a few steps forward, and news vans and helicopters fly overhead it's obviously just pissing the people off and everything about the events are reactionary. The police are reacting to the crowds, and the crowds are reacting to the police. There dont seem to be any plans toward resolution. It seems to me that they are just hoping it all dies out or that people get tired, or enough people get arrested or forget about it, move on to the next thing and go home.

Wouldn't it be better for the city of Baltimore to provide a public forum for these people to speak and have a voice? These sideline journalists arent helping at all. They aren't interviewing people and asking why or what they want, it's all "What is going on (right now)?" Wouldn't it be privy for the mayor and the city officials to say "OK, we understand you have some concerns, comments and such, instead of standing in the streets and all this, lets talk tomorrow from 8am to 6pm and so park....(maybe some place outdoors that wouldnt get destroyed, any place other than an arena or stadium would likely be too small) or even various high school auditoriums (more than one place to break up the crowds plus they can hold a lot of people)"

I've said it all a long the riots aren't much more than tantrums. A kid is going to kick, scream, cry, and stomp- sometimes you can ignore it and they will stop, other times you have to acknowledge what it is they want (because sometimes they just want attention). Acknowledgement doesn't mean give in, but it validates their concern and lets them know they are heard. The police and city right now are turning a deaf ear toward these people. They are there, they are seeing, but they arent listening. The people of Ferguson and Baltimore wants resources (fair representation, fair police officers) and they aren't getting that so this is their tantrum, a better term is civil unrest. By just sitting back and watching these people do these things and reacting to them (tear gas, marching forward---by the way, where the hell are they pushing these people back to when they are marching forward- if they keep going forward and the crowds keep backing up where are they ending up? The police probably just want the people to disperse but this is some of their neighborhoods they arent just going to go inside the house and go to bed), but by sitting back and watching and reacting, they are perpetuating, better yet instigating the people by continuing to deny them resources. Resources that they've utilized time and time again.

Am I wrong, or should the city of Baltimore have already had in place designated places for people to go process, discuss, ask questions and vent?
Last edited:
Apr 14, 2015
Much respect for the post. Dont think you are wrong at all. Not sure how well it could have been implemented however, the concerns of the people should have been acknowledged and resolution sought after. This is taught on almost any scenario where deescalation is necessary. It pains me that ppl only view the riots as criminal acts and condemn the participants. Not to saw i condone the riot(s) however, the riots are a symptom or byproduct of deeper issues. Even the deaths of these young men are boiling points. The ppl go ignored and dehumanized for years if not decades. Their issues and concerns get ignored or pacified then when those with less restraint yet equal or greater frustration lash out the media and public are quick to place blame and express their disgust at property damage when that same level of concern or greater should have been placed on the issues leading to the riot.


May 14, 2012
Much respect for the post. Dont think you are wrong at all. Not sure how well it could have been implemented however, the concerns of the people should have been acknowledged and resolution sought after. This is taught on almost any scenario where deescalation is necessary. It pains me that ppl only view the riots as criminal acts and condemn the participants. Not to saw i condone the riot(s) however, the riots are a symptom or byproduct of deeper issues. Even the deaths of these young men are boiling points. The ppl go ignored and dehumanized for years if not decades. Their issues and concerns get ignored or pacified then when those with less restraint yet equal or greater frustration lash out the media and public are quick to place blame and express their disgust at property damage when that same level of concern or greater should have been placed on the issues leading to the riot.

Ive been doing a little investigative reporting myself this morning. I called wbaltv, the baltimore sun, and a couple of local radio stations because I cannot find out if the city is providing any type of communication tools to the citizens. Only 1 number I called said there is a scheduled press conference. A press conference can at times be open to the press for questions but the citizens have the questions they want to ask and the feedback they'd like to give. The city right now is admittedly (reported by multiple sources) on damage control. They are trying to stop the violence and clear the streets, on one hand I can understand if city hall is closed or they arent designating meeting places to reach out to the public but at the same time, if the chants and yelling is going to continue to fall on deaf ears, and the police and city continue to take a reactionary stance on these events (basically just sit back and watch behind riot shields) its going to be a long motherfukking week in Baltimore.
Apr 14, 2015
@nikkahs B. Wildin

appreciate the report from your investigating. Its understandable that containment and damage control are priorty fom city hall's standpoint but u and i can't be the only ones to see this is a complex issue and requires complex solutions. its beyond me that no one in power to do so, is attempting to truly resolve the issues or at least lay the ground work to do so. If the mayor can address the press she can address the people, some of which are the same that elected her.


Nov 8, 2014
If I'm understanding you correctly, you're asking why isn't there some sort of relief effort going on by the City of Baltimore and beyond for this. A simple answer would be an agenda is being pushed that's always used whenever black people are simply fed up as if we're a toddler throwing a tantrum because we're not having our way. I'm not educated enough to know why this type of stance is beneficial to those in power but this is an emergency that needs more than the National Guard. Something should be done and could be done to quell the tension but I wouldn't bet money on that happening.

Drip Bayless

Jun 1, 2014
You can only push people so long until they react, and when you push people this long the reaction is going to be violent. I don't condone rioting either but I completely understand it. It's really one of the only ways to get white america to acknowledge that ok maybe this is a problem.

Stay Seeking

Mar 3, 2015
You think America actually cares about black people you're right "nikkahs B. Wildin"