Alien Isolation faulters under the weight of never evolving over it's lengthy campaign


Nov 19, 2016
Alien Isolation is one of my favorite games to play through, but also one of my biggest disappointments. As much that I want to praise the game for being such a great play through on the first try. It has no replayability outside of it's first, gripping play through. I know the problem is that the game never wants to evolve past it's gameplay design from the opening minute till it's end.

I will always stand by for my love for this game. It's an excellent hide and seek horror game that loses it's appeal 10 hours into a 16 hour game unlike Resident Evil 7. It never truly organically evolve to being something great. It was a good experience, but one that had a clear glass ceiling that kept it from being great. It was mainly from deviating from core design. The hide and seek gameplay mechanic is fun even in Alien Isolation's case where it's clearly broken. You can't trap the aliens in locked room without it phasing out and teleporting elsewhere. The creature AI is a bit immersion breaking and to be honest a bit over aggressive that it doesn't feel like organic alien A.I.( Espeically after playing Prey. Where the AI is superbedly design to feel organic in it's nature) for a creature unless it has eyes on it's own ass. The average joes are simply awful and derivative.

I strongly feel the game should of pulled an Aliens(The sequel) in the later portion of the game for a change of pace and let you kill Aliens, It didn't make sense not too. A hide and seek game just doesn't work over a 10+ hour campaign. It need something else and that something else isn't killing androids with ridiculous health bars that once again kill the immersion. A bullet to the CPU core in the head... should instantly kill an android.

Up untill after the game shift to multiple Aliens with the core segment. It should of done a change of pace. It was the perfect opportunity to do so and keep the tension thick. Able to drop the androids completely and let the aliens take center stage. You can start killing them... BUT you're incredibly outnumbered. Hide and Kill with guerrilla warfare should of been the organic evolution over the playthrough. That is something great.

9/10 on first playthrough drops to a 6/10 on second attempt. This game's tunnel vision design and flaws are so apparent on a second playthrough. I never played such a good game that depreciate so much on a 2nd playthrrough.

Hide and Seek games aresimply not enough substance for a 16 hour game outside of it's first playthrough when it's fresh
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Ice Cold

King of Blades
May 5, 2012
I agree with the premise of this thread I never played alien but hiding and seek gameplay gets pretty boring after about 8 hours. I played through Outlast a while back and towards the end of was a slog and I only played because my wife enjoyed it.
The thrill of the scares is lessoned when you actually meet your gruesome end which is why a game like until dawn is able to keep up the excitement a bit longer.

Kairi Irving

Here Comes A New Challenger
Nov 21, 2016
If this game had a MP mode where 4 players are survivors spawned in separate parts of the ship vs an a player as Alien, this game wouldve lasted longer..or a co op mode. one of the last PS3 games i bought...


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
yeah, being too long was my main complaint too. shyt dragged at the end