Breh I was a big fan of Vegas and I waited and got nothing on the level of what he was selling himself to be.I liked some of his shyt but he really brought NOTHING new to the table at that time
And like @Oldhead above me said it's a weak excuse, try telling that shyt to 50 or Game.
fuhk this lil dude.... Nas couldnt blackball him. if you hot, somebody gonna fuhk with you regardless.
Are you saying Nas doesn't have the clout to black ball
no.. unless its show related. Like how he got Camron kicked off his shows
Why Nas aint have Jay blackballed?
Because Jay owns his own shyt and NAS did not
Ali was talented, he just had no work ethic. Plus his flow did regress after his album got shelved. The mixtape shyt he put out after was mostly unless its show related. Like how he got Camron kicked off his shows
Why Nas aint have Jay blackballed?
A industry competitor of Nas would have signed Ali if he was THAT nygga
If Ali talented, why he didnt go Indi route like Mega. Dont put that dumb shyt on Nas