You all know Alex hates the government but "Bomb Testing"? I mean really? What are the odds of them doing a bomb test and a bomb actually happen? Same with the 9/11 Stand Down plane drill. Again Alex hate the government so he will always try to blame them for everything. But look what Bush did after 9/11. Until I get the full facts, I'm not ruling anything out. But I'm not going to give a pass that they just so "Happen" to be getting ready for a Bomb when it happens. Also there are reports of Bomb Sniffing Dogs being there. I'm sorry, I know it's early but there are already signs something ain't adding up with this attack. It took people a long time to finally realize something was wrong with 9/11 (Not New Yorkers who've always been skeptical about 9/11 but the rest of the country). Now I'm not saying Boston Bomb was an inside job but come on Bomb Testing? Bomb Sniffing Dogs? I learning to not believe in coincidences.