Ahmed Johnson Speaks On The Rock's and New Day's c00nery

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
The Unsanctioned Podcast at FightBooth PW recently recently spoke with former WWEIntercontinental Champion Ahmed Johnson regarding his controversial career. Johnson responded to recent criticism, his relationship with WWF talent from his time there, racist incidents, WCW, his relationship with Booker T and Stevie Ray, not becoming WWE champion, and much more. You can check out the full interview in the video above, below are some highlights:

His backstage scuffle with The Rock:

"What happened was, he was back in the locker room and I was already back there on the other side of the lockers, so, he couldn't see me. And he walked in there with Triple H and Shawn, and they were all talking and they were making black jokes, and they didn't know I was there. When Triple H said, 'Man, we were joking Rocky, we were joking,' and Rock said, 'That's okay, people look at me and think I'm black. I'm not black, man. My dad had an affair on my dad with a white man. That's my dad. The white guy is my dad.'

"He was serious as a heart attack. So I stepped from around the locker and said, 'What you just say?' He said, 'Aw, aw, nothing, man, you know just here bulls--tting,' and I said, 'Yeah, I heard you over there selling that bulls--t, man. What did you say about your dad? You mean to tell me this man bust his ass for us to be in this federation, and you're denying him?' Then he got cocky and said, 'Man, this ain't none of your business' Once he said that, we went for blows. After that, Ron Simmons and Papa Shango broke it up."

Responds to Teddy Long recently calling him an "idiot":

"That b---h. First of all, I don't even know this punk motherf--ker. Ain't never met him once in my life. Never. Never ever been in the same room with this fool. And I'll tell you right now, straight up, if I ever see him cause he's got himself going around with churches and being a Christian, I swear to God if he ever comes to Houston, I'm giving you my word, I'm going to that church where it is he is, and I'm gonna go to him and I'm gonna slap him in the f--king face. And I mean that with all my heart. He's going to be more elderly when I get done with him."

His thoughts on the The New Day:

"Now come on, don't one of them got a doctorate degree or something? Come on, man. But he [Vince] got you acting like a clown on a clown car. I think it is shucking and jiving for him. I just think that especially homeboy with that degree [Xavier Woods], they can find something better for him. He could be like a Clarence Mason, like a black wrestling Clarence Mason."

If he would welcome closure with Vince McMahon:

"As a man, I would want closure with any man. If could make closure with any man, I would want that. As a man and as a Christian, I would want that. But as far as me kissing your behind, forget it. Naw. That ain't even gonna happen."

Ahmed Johnson On Why He Had Backstage Scuffle With The Rock, The New Day, Closure With Vince McMahon - WrestlingInc.com

Discuss :lolbron:

Bart simpson

Served w/ no chill
Jan 22, 2017
He kinda right tho

But isn't Shane Douglas gonna be mad doing interviews on his break at Target


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Just read it..So Ahmed Johnson is some ultra militant hard nygga who just so happens to hear the biggest star in he world cut down Blacks and he comes out the shadows like Ron O Neal:laugh: and he's Tupac and Malcolm rolled into one? This nygga needs to jump off a roof...Rock and Shawn are cool out of the blue after he undercut his grandmother? Wtf:laugh:


Apr 16, 2013
Ahmed Johnson On Backstage Fight With The Rock, Which WWE Hall of Famer He Wants To Beat Up | PWMania

Johnson also talks about:

– Losing his patience with Goldust during their feud.

– Racism he experienced in WWE, specific examples and names, including who he thinks wrote the “N-word” on his car after winning the Intercontinental Championship.

– His experiences working with Vince McMahon.

– What he thinks of each member of the Nation of Domination, calls D’Lo, “She-Lo.”

– Why his view of Booker T is unfavorable.

– Which main event WWE Superstar convinced Vince that “America isn’t ready for a black WWE Champion.”

– Plus, thoughts on MC Hammer, Owen Hart, WCW, being asked to change his wrestling style, and more.

You can listen to the interview here.


If Teddy Long can't even stand you maybe you might be the problem. :patrice:

Also the KKKliq's antics once again have been confirmed. :mjpls:

The Rock story is at the 17:00 mark.

At the 21:50 mark of the interview, he mentions how Shawn Michaels was the one who said America wasn't ready for a black WWE Champion.

At the 56:15 mark, Ahmed talked about his experience working on the MC Hammer TV movie. He also said that MC Hammer was the one who funded Death Row Records and got the label started.

At the 66:10 mark he mentions how Stone Cold beat up Debra for watching BET.

Some other notes:
-Scott Hall helped him a lot when he first got to the WWE (1:04:50 mark)
-He didn't like D'Lo because he was a kiss ass (30:30 mark).
-He doesn't like Booker T because he thinks that Booker is a sellout. (40:35 mark)
-When he debuted, Vince didn't label him as a face or heel. Instead Vince let him go out there and let the crowd decide what his role would be. (55:00 mark)
-He was on good terms with Savio Vega, Crush, Yokozuna, Rikishi, Godfather, Ultimate Warrior, Vader, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, and Undertaker. (52:30 mark)
-He praised Goldust for being a good worker but didn't like how Goldust kept trying to kiss him and acted too :dame:. (4:30 mark)
-He told a story about how Flash Funk was ordered to stop messing around with a white girl backstage through Vince McMahon's orders. Gerald Brisco delivered the message. (9:35 mark)
-Regarding the incident of his car being vandalized, he was told that Stone Cold and Shawn Michaels were seen around his car leading up to the event. (13:20 mark)
-Shawn Michaels told Ahmed to stop using high flying moves and adopt a more grounded power oriented style. (22:50 mark)
-Creative proposed a storyline that involved the Truth Commision hanging Ahmed with a rope. Ahmed rejected the storyline and left the WWE not too long afterwards. (32:35 mark)

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