Awwww kids are adorable ....she handled herself exceptionally well and made great points about people having the right to know and is an eloquent speaker
But I don't see how she destroyed him though
I don't have a side in this battle and i just thought both sides made their points clear about pros and cons of these modified foods
actually know. she did destroy him. every point he ATTEMPTED to make in favor of GMO foods she shot it down with facts of her own. he never once REFUTED her facts, with facts.
he said it helped these asian kids. she said

ya lying. its scrapped and on top of that to get that much vitamin A in a kids diet you need more bowls of rice then any person is going to eat per day. nucca stop using dem talking points.
he came back at her with bu but but they do use it... or its being tested right now its not scrapped. she said, nucca it dont work and its scrapped. he

and changed the question on her.
she smacked him again. and kept it on point. its about the labeling an ETHICAL TESTING.
that fool said "hey you and me are the tests right now"
like thats supposed to be a good thing that we're playing guinea pig.