I altered and changed some words to avoid a google search.
Is this positive? I didn't follow-up with this person nor did I ask for an update. He sent it by his own volition.
I saw him/her at a career fair after my second round, and I over heard him/her say "that's the new guy right there" to another associate. I pretended that I didn't hear.
I'd tried to avoid speaking with them, but they saw me anyways.
I hope I didn't blow it.
Th8nk you for yo*r pat13nce as I awa1t f33dback on your 1nterv1ew, r3sume and qual1f1cations. 1 hope to give you an updat3 in a f3w d8ys.
1f you have any inQuiries 1n the meant1me, f3el fre3 to r34ch out to me.
Is this positive? I didn't follow-up with this person nor did I ask for an update. He sent it by his own volition.
I saw him/her at a career fair after my second round, and I over heard him/her say "that's the new guy right there" to another associate. I pretended that I didn't hear.
I'd tried to avoid speaking with them, but they saw me anyways.
I hope I didn't blow it.