But side note, how does as a GROWN BLACK MAN get to a point where “weird/weirdo” has become a part of his daily vocabulary? How did it get to a point where you just casually refer to things/people you don’t understand as weird/weirdos?
I always wonder if y’all know the history of that words use in modern American society. It’s a word that pre-teens(usually little white girls from the burbs) worship and live by.
Everything, to a pre-teen little girl, is deemed “weird”. Why? Because she’s just an innocent little kid who hasn’t developed the capacity to- not only behold something outside of what she perceives as “the norm”- but also neither the vocabulary to express said “deviation” from the norm. So it gets slapped with “weird” because that’s all kids know to say.
Whats yall excuse? Like, how did it get to this?