After many months of anticipation, Black Dynamite the animated series, based on the cult 2009 feature film by Scott Sanders, starring Michael Jai White, made its debut on Adult Swim on Sunday, July 15th, at 11:30PM, in an episode that saw Cream Corn saving young Michael Jackson from an assassination attempt, becoming his new best friend.
That July series premiere won its time slot in key demos, and tied as the second best new series launch on Adult Swim in 2012, among adults 18-34.
The 11-episode first season wrapped up on September 23rd.
But it's far from over for the series; Deadline is reporting that Adult Swim has picked up a 10-episode 2nd season of the animated, with plans to debut season 2 in late 2013 or early 2014. Seems like a long time to wait, but if you know anything about animation, it takes time.
In addition to Jai White, Eddie Griffin, Tommy Davidson, Kym Whitley and Byron Minns provided voices for the series' characters.