"Acclaimed director Michael Mann has confirmed that Academy Award nominee Adam Driver is now in talks to star as Neil McCauley, the role originally played by Robert De Niro, in the crime thriller sequel Heat 2. In an interview with EW, Mann, who recently collaborated with Driver for the sports biopic Ferrari, was asked whether he will work with the actor again in the Heat sequel. To which the filmmaker coyly replied...
“Yeah, we’re in discussion. That’s all I can say about it.”
This would seemingly confirm that Driver is indeed now in talks to star as the disciplined career criminal and thief Neil McCauley in Heat 2. Played in the original by Oscar winner and Hollywood icon Robert De Niro, Driver has been a popular choice for the role of a younger Neil McCauley for some time, with Heat 2 expected to explore why the criminal believes that you should never let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk away from “if you feel the heat around the corner.”
Mann clearly has a lot of faith in Driver to resurrect one of his most beloved characters in the sequel to one of his most beloved movies. The filmmaker heaped praise on the actor and explained why he felt he was the right choice to portray racing driver and entrepreneur Enzo Ferrari.
“There’s a real-world, factual intelligence to Adam. He’s somebody who, in his own personal history, has lived life. I sense the strength and the artistic integrity coupled with a pretty fierce artistic ambition as an actor. It's not political or charming, which I like a lot. It's just there and strong.”
Heat 2 Is Expected to Be Michael Mann’s Next Movie
Released way back in 1995 and written and directed by Michael Mann, the first Heat follows Al Pacino and Robert De Niro as a cop and a criminal, respectively, exploring the conflict between Pacino's LAPD detective and De Niro’s career criminal.
Master criminal Neil McCauley (Robert De Niro) is trying to control the rogue actions of one of his men, while also planning one last big heist before retiring. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Hanna (Al Pacino) attempts to track down McCauley as he deals with the chaos in his own life, including the infidelity of his wife (Diane Venora) and the mental health of his stepdaughter (Natalie Portman). McCauley and Hanna discover a mutual respect, even as they try to thwart each other's plans.
Mann released a prequel/sequel novel in August last year, which “covers the formative years of homicide detective Vincent Hanna (Oscar winner Al Pacino) and elite criminals Neil McCauley (Oscar winner Robert De Niro), Chris Shiherlis (Val Kilmer), and Nate (Oscar winner Jon Voight),” as well as leading “up to the events of the film and then moves beyond it.”
Heat 2 was met with rave reviews from critics and readers alike, with the director confirming that the sequel will be his next project.
Ferrari meanwhile is scheduled to be released in the United States on December 25, 2023. Check out the trailer below:
Adam Driver Is in Talks to Star as Neil McCauley in Heat 2, Michael Mann Confirms
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