We know the politicians will push all kinds of scholarship/community infrastructure etc. type programs instead of giving up the cold hard cash. My solution is to let them do whatever 'big tent' shyt they want but add 3 tangible solutions:
1.) Have all the debt from one source removed (wipe out a single credit card, a student loan...whatever you want pick one).
2.) Pay no state or federal tax...ever. This includes SS/Medicare etc. You get that gross amount on your paycheck, not the net
3.) Maybe...just maybe offer property tax subsidies so ADOS only pay (as an example) 1/2 of their annual property tax bill. Those living in apartments receive some kind of subsidy for either rent or electricity. Not a ridiculous amount but something.
These would add money to our pockets without all the drama about giving out big azz checks at one time. Biggest issue will always be trying to figure out just WHO qualifies.