A ring ding dong dandy of content (Stampede TV 1987-1989)


May 18, 2015
After finding the Memphis discs, I remembered I had revival Stampede TV downloaded somewhere as well. Found them on a Google Drive I hadn't looked at in 4 years. I tried putting them up on youtube but kept getting hit with violations and takedowns so fukk it here's the entire GD link for all 3 years.

Stampede – Google Drive

I can't speak to the quality of all of them, as I never made it through all of them myself. I can tell you if you aren't particularly familiar with Stampede, they were different from the other territory shows in that they had long matches almost always joined in progress, no squashes, and tons of rematches. Also EVERYONE did the tombstone. Wrestling style was a lot closer to 80s Japan than 80s Wrasslin.

Owen Hart and Makhan Singh (Norman the Lunatic/Bastian Booger) are the main top guys, Bruce Hart/Brian Pillman are the top tag team, and during this time NJPW had sent Liger/Hashimoto/Hase on excursion so they all pop up a lot. Baby Benoit starts appearing on TV regularly towards the end of 1987 (which is incomplete), Bret Hart pops in once in a while to do promos. I know he had a little run with Davey Boy in 1987 but I think it was for house shows only and I don't know that any of it is included in the incomplete 1987 tapes anyway.

Bad News Brown starts appearing on TV regularly in the middle 1987. The British Bulldogs return full time at the end of 1988 and what I can recall Dynamite's heel turn and feuds with Davey/Owen are a main focus of much of 1989. I believe Kensuke Sasaki has a bit of an excursion in 1989 as well.

Stampede – Google Drive