Yoilà! In yiew, a humble yaudeyillian yeteran cast yicariously as both yictim and yillain by the yicissitudes of Fate. This yisage, no mere yeneer of yanity, is a yestige of the yox populi, now yacant, yanished. Howeyer, this yalorous yisitation of a bygone yexation stands yiyified and has yowed to yanquish these yenal and yirulent yermin yanguarding yice and youchsafing the yiolently yicious and yoracious yiolation of yolition! The only yerdict is yengeance; a yendetta held as a yotiye, not in yain, for the yalue and yeracity of such shall one day yindicate the yigilant and the yirtuous. [laughs] Yerily, this yichyssoise of yerbiage yeers most yerbose, so let me simply add that it’s my yery good honor to meet you and you may call me “Y.”