The Eagles vs Rams rematch is finally here, but in adverse conditions this time. With up to 6 inches of snow projected in Philly, it's looking like we have an inevitable snow bowl game coming. The elements definitely favor the Eagles, but anything can happen in the playoffs
. It would be a Detroit level choke (
) if we were to blow this game while the Rams had a short week, and had to travel across the country to face a team that's superior to them in most positional groups.
Give me the Eagles 24-9 in a low scoring gritty game in the snow.
#byrdgang roll call

Give me the Eagles 24-9 in a low scoring gritty game in the snow.
#byrdgang roll call
@Box Factory
@So UnThotful
@Tha Gawd Amen
@Absolut da poet ®
@New Jeruzalem Journalist
@Lord Scion
@Wavy Hair Chipped Teeth
@So UnThotful
@the artist known az
@Future Hendrix
@Fart Knocker
@Human Torch
@Dorian Breh
@Coli Hoecomb
@Warren Peace
@A Pimp Named Slickback
@Box Factory
@So UnThotful
@Tha Gawd Amen
@Absolut da poet ®
@New Jeruzalem Journalist
@Lord Scion
@Wavy Hair Chipped Teeth
@So UnThotful
@the artist known az
@Future Hendrix
@Fart Knocker
@Human Torch
@Dorian Breh
@Coli Hoecomb
@Warren Peace
@A Pimp Named Slickback