A Bunch of Ape NFTs Just Sold For $24.4 Million
That puts the ape sale among the biggest in the NFT space. A bundle of nine CryptoPunks -- one of the earliest NFT projects -- sold for $16.9 million in May. And Beeple sold a collage of his works as an NFT for $69 million in March. While it's hard to directly compare all of these sales (there are 101 items in today's auctions versus one in Beeple's), the purchases show that the appetite for NFT art isn't dying down, and they suggest that buyers think there'll be high resale value as the market continues to grow.
That puts the ape sale among the biggest in the NFT space. A bundle of nine CryptoPunks -- one of the earliest NFT projects -- sold for $16.9 million in May. And Beeple sold a collage of his works as an NFT for $69 million in March. While it's hard to directly compare all of these sales (there are 101 items in today's auctions versus one in Beeple's), the purchases show that the appetite for NFT art isn't dying down, and they suggest that buyers think there'll be high resale value as the market continues to grow.