83 year old former Harlem Globetrotters’ star Meadowlark Lemon sued for back child support

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" William Congreve

no comment on his 48 yr. old son.
i looked but couldn't find a pic of his former wife or the son involved this lawsuit.

Harlem Globetrotters’ star Meadowlark Lemon sued for $250,000 in child support
BY Doyle Murphy


Legendary Harlem Globetrotter Meadowlark Lemon stiffed his ex-wife and son out of $250,000 in child support, a lawsuit alleges.



One of the Harlem Globetrotters’ greats dropped the ball when it came to being a dad, a lawsuit alleges.

The ex-wife and 48-year-old son of Meadowlark Lemon are trying to score $250,000 in child support they claim the Hall of Famer was supposed to pay.

The lawsuit — filed in Bridgeport, Conn. and first reported by Connecticut Post — accuses the 83-year-old trick shot artist of leaving his former spouse with crippling debt following their 1977 divorce after 22 years of marriage.

“He left me buried in bills and with little money to support my children,” ex-wife Willie Lemon Campbell told the Connecticut Post. “He has never complied with anything the courts told him to do.”

His former spouse claimed he left her a heavily mortgaged house in the divorce and quit paying his $2,500 monthly child support tab after just a year. His son blames their money woes for a lifetime of trouble, including a missed opportunity to earn his high school diploma and an arrest on forgery charges at age 21.

“My mother is bringing this court action for me,” Jonathan Lemon told the Connecticut Post. “I just wonder how much better a life I could have had if my father had paid the money he was ordered by the court.”

Lemon, “The Clown Prince of Basketball,” is one of the Globetrotters’ biggest stars. The ball-playing comedian’s half-court hook shots and confetti bucket gag made him a crowd favorite in more than 16,000 games around the world.

He still plays with his own squad, Meadowlark Lemon’s All Stars, and leads a ministry in his adopted hometown of Scottsdale, Ariz.

The motivation behind lawsuit filed by his ex-wife and son, Jonathan Lemon, is a mystery, he said.

“I don’t know what they are doing,” he told the Connecticut Post. “John is 48 years old now. I don’t know if he is running out of money, but if that is the so, he ought to get out and get a job. :laugh: My former wife was a good wife.”

BRIDGEPORT -- To the world, he was the clown prince of basketball, the star of the Harlem Globetrotters. But to his family he was the epitome of a deadbeat dad who had left them homeless and nearly destitute.

Now, Meadowlark Lemon's former wife and youngest son, Jonathan Lemon, are suing the former basketball star, seeking the $250,000 they claim he never paid them in child support.

"He left me buried in bills and with little money to support my children," said Willie Lemon Campbell, Meadowlark Lemon's former wife. "He has never complied with anything the courts told him to do."

But Lemon, 83, now an inspirational speaker with a ministry in Scottsdale, Ariz., said he is confused by the lawsuit.

"I don't know what they are doing," he said. "John is 48 years old now. I don't know if he is running out of money, but if that is so he ought to get out and get a job. My former wife was a good wife."

Lemon said he will contest the matter in court here. "I will be in court whenever the court says I have to clear this up," he continued.

However, Jonathan Lemon points out that the case has already been continued six times. Scheduled for Thursday, it was continued again to August.

Meadowlark Lemon played forward with the Harlem Globetrotters for 23 years, playing in 16,000 games. But in 1977, at the height of his career, the father of four was divorced from his wife of 22 years in Superior Court here.

"In the beginning, his being on the Globetrotters afforded us a lot, a nice house in Fairfield and the opportunity for our eldest child to go to college, but as it went along he would be gone from home for longer and longer periods and our relationship deteriorated," said Campbell. "I was alone to shoulder the burden of raising a family."

In the divorce settlement, Campbell said, she got no alimony, but was given the house and Lemon was ordered to pay $2,500 a month in child support for their son Jonathan. It was later that Campbell discovered the house had been remortgaged by Lemon.

"He had mortgaged the house to the max and before long I was buried under bills," she said. "I was working as a substitute teacher and in retail. but it wasn't enough; I lost the house."

Then, after a year of child support payments, the payments stopped, according to the suit.

Lemon, who left the Globetrotters in 1980 to form his own teams, claimed at the time he no longer had the income to pay the court-ordered child support.

Lemon later became an inspirational speaker and opened his own ministry in Scottsdale. He married a medical doctor and had six more children.

In the meantime, Campbell and her son Jonathan Lemon moved to Atlanta. But things weren't any easier for them there.

"In Atlanta, things were very tough for my mother and me," said Jonathan. "We were evicted from our home and our things were put out on the street. I ended up not graduating from high school as a result."

Jonathan said things continued to spiral downward for him and when he was 21, he was convicted of forgery charges.

However, he said he managed to turn his life around, get his GED and even go to college. He even tried to rekindle a relationship with his father but admitted that did not go so well.

"His new wife was very antagonistic to me," he said.

"My mother is bringing this court action for me. I just wonder how much better a life I could have had if my father had paid the money he was ordered to by the court."


the second wife



All green everything
May 6, 2012
Should not pay anything, he be dead soon or later.


All Star
Oct 14, 2014
Back in Florida
You obviously would rather take a handout than work for yours if you really believe that. Revenge or youre lazy and would rather take what somebody else made?
The coli needs to stop bullshyttin. If your pops had them bands, skipped out on you and gave another set of offspring shyt he ain't give you, you'd be on some payback too.
May 15, 2015
The coli needs to stop bullshyttin. If your pops had them bands, skipped out on you and gave another set of offspring shyt he ain't give you, you'd be on some payback too.
I wouldn't bother, might have to hit up a Laveau

Put a pox on old dude's house out of principle.

No sympathy for a c00n who would short change his own child, but doesn't mind posthumously handing over his fortune over to some cro magnon broad. I don't blame his son in that regard.