What's good fam. In addition to the beat league (Please check out http://www.thecoli.com/threads/the-coli-beat-league-2-5-registration.172894/) I doing a one and done shoot-out battle.
All you need to do is submit one beat. Just 1. You will get matched up and the last winning beat move on to the next round until we have a winner. If you need feedback on a beat, trying something new or just need some light competition, this is perfect.
We got more than enough people to make 64 participants. The competition wont start until we reach that minimum.
Also, please join the social group here, http://www.thecoli.com/xfa-groups-group/the-underground.7/group-detail and follow me on you twitter too https://twitter.com/colibeatbattles
@1986 @305DeadCounty @901Cory10 @@ReallyReal @Aje @AkaDemiK @AsAboveSoBelow @Ayo!-BEZ bangbreh @Big dikk @bigrodthe1 @BlackDroog @BlakeSuperior @BrothaZay @Bruh Man 5th Flo @BuddyOmar @King Biko @C. Dante @Caldlo @California @Camammal @Carter G. Hoodson @CAVEMAN @ChemicalBk @Chubbs @clanarchy @Cole Cash @ComputersPutin @Crakface @Da Jungles @DaNamelessPimp @DarianaGrande @DaveyDave @DaWe @DBR @Dean_Keaton2k @Digga38 @DigitalDopeman @DirkDizzler @DJWeltchdotcom @Doobie Doo @Dooby @EddyBlazeBeatz @enfluential @Ensi @feelosofer @Final Boss @Flav @FlyGuy @freddykruegeronapill @G-Zeus @GinaThatAintNoDamnPuppy! @H.R. Puff-N-Bluntz @HamAndEgger @Hammer @Hannibal Fox @head shots101 @Headcase @HipHopFeeling @hustlemania @Ian1362 @illadope @illwittdeez @Insensitive @Interloper @IvanLRhymesWell @JayYoung314 @jmspro @John Hull @just my thoughts @jwall123 @J_Nathan @K-Deini @KAWS @Kaydigi @kdthe1ne @Kese Soprano @kingdizzy01 @Klarifeye The Great @Kunta @kush-N-lean @KushSkywalker @Kwilu @L&HH @L. Deezy @LauderdaleBoss @Leezy337 @Lilb @Listen @lolwutdawg @mc_brew @mdotcash @MichaelWhite @Mike Statik @MilesTailsPrower @mr 321 @Mr. Somebody @MrPentatonic @N-DUB @Nicky Barnes @NoahCulture @NormanConnors @NVious @O RLY @OGmittee @overdrive @PewPew @Piano Reevez @Pigpenwm @producingfire @ProfessionallyTrill @Propaganda @PUT IN WORK @RajWatts @Ran Dakroyd @rapbeats @Red Maverick Reloaded @Rominati @Scotch Hall @Shadow King @silver @Sincere Noble @smARTmouf @SofaRealDoe @SparkMcGwire @spliz @Spree At Last @Stadium Status @STAN JONES @stealthbomber @street heat @Strike-Wun @Stuntone @SumBlackguyz @SupaVillain @SwagKingCole @T-K-G @teacher @TEKBEATZ @Tetris v2.0 @ThaRealness @That Singer Guy... @ThatKidBlackHippy @THEILLACTCOLD @TheMaster @thesandman @tirademode @Todd McPiff @Tony_Bromo @Trev86 @TreyAce @truck jewelry @tryfbindope @Two Stacks @Uncle Grime. @Urbanmiracle @Vagina Thief @vaudevillevillain @W.I.Z.E. @Wepa Man @West Coast Avenger @Wiirdo @wild100sboy @William Bassington @wingzboy @Word @WWc00n23 @x2y @YeahN1ggaImmaLurker! @Zeu$ @zoneoutmusik @arkaic @BallGame @bassLord @BelieveInChop @BlackDiBiase @BLACKVADER @blacmanrhymer @BossGod @BuckNorris @b_low_brown @Cal Cutta @Carr @chandlerj @ClemenzaSupreme @Code Blue @Cutty @cyence @dakidbanks @datprod @Dingo @dmoney3m @Doc Holiday @Drasmatic @El_Mero_Mero @EVILRICO @Eye Cue 182 @Ezus Jezus @Fi6Ace @Golgo13 @GR13 @HDKG @HEAVYHUSTLERADIO.COM @Heelhook @Ill Clinton @JakeKnew @jaylav_ @Jimmy ValenTime @KILLAKUTT7 @krbeats @Leftymc @LilJuicyTaco @livindajetlife @Loud Coolin Cliquish @mario @Mask and Da Glock @Medic @megatronium @Meta4tony @methaphorce @NErd @Nyce Hoffa @NYCDaFuture @peaceson14303 @PimpstarP @Pop203 @PTAH @PurePlaya @Ready,Willing,Humble @Roxx the King @S.W.A.G. @s0f0cused @sifon @Slang Dussain Ali @Steezy @SwagKingKong @TAYLONDO SAMSWORTHY @TdashDUB @the author @The Dj you love to hate! @the_daddy @Three Knowledge @TomGroove @trife06 @TripleAgent @t_ripley @Uzi713 @Venem @whodatb @WOAHMYGOODNESS @Y.K. @Yoda @Truality @Itzdadiabolical @Big Jo @Erebus @NYCDaFuture @andreidpopa @NYCDaFuture @InterestedNow @Copasetic @Will Ross @street heat @ADK @Freeze @TrillaMonsoon @AVESOUNDS @100 others @NickBlanco @Watson @LandryFieldsDad @IronFist @LogicFirst @thatkidkasper @really @Buckeye Fever @Wally Russell @bboystyle @The Ruler 09 @nikkaz In Paris @Peter Parker @powerager @Young/Nacho\Drawz @nineteeneightysix @Paradime @GhettoNintendo @9th Street @macadomusic @FlimFlam @Midwest Choppers @FaTaL @<<TheStandard>> @Big Mel @Darkstarz Records @Code Blue @lolwutdawg @AstroRockit @nikkahs B. Wildin @Blackmamba24 @Chadisorad @O.T.I.S. @Tommy Knocks @Grand_Verbalizer @kemet_rocky @Yaboysix @testube @street heat @ThatInfamous @UpAndComing @sneakers&sex @doublenegative @NYCDaFuture @Coherent @TheObserver @DialeKt757 @BUDDHAMANG @hu3ypdadon @InDePickWest @Gentle Jones @jack.kill.the.stripper @SymbolicOne09 @playplayaj @Kufismack @Eastside Get The Money @â ZULU â @VerticalGrille @superlyrical @D1renegade @Northern Touch @GetThatnikkaRex @Boo-Kake @CaliWeed @RADIcule @D.Rich @GoldTouch @Broccoliand40s @85 East @2Quik4UHoes @TheGumpkin @GeraldJohanssen @KenSon @bionicbunny @Pinyapplesuckas @superegobeats @StupidQuestion
All you need to do is submit one beat. Just 1. You will get matched up and the last winning beat move on to the next round until we have a winner. If you need feedback on a beat, trying something new or just need some light competition, this is perfect.
We got more than enough people to make 64 participants. The competition wont start until we reach that minimum.
Also, please join the social group here, http://www.thecoli.com/xfa-groups-group/the-underground.7/group-detail and follow me on you twitter too https://twitter.com/colibeatbattles
@1986 @305DeadCounty @901Cory10 @@ReallyReal @Aje @AkaDemiK @AsAboveSoBelow @Ayo!-BEZ bangbreh @Big dikk @bigrodthe1 @BlackDroog @BlakeSuperior @BrothaZay @Bruh Man 5th Flo @BuddyOmar @King Biko @C. Dante @Caldlo @California @Camammal @Carter G. Hoodson @CAVEMAN @ChemicalBk @Chubbs @clanarchy @Cole Cash @ComputersPutin @Crakface @Da Jungles @DaNamelessPimp @DarianaGrande @DaveyDave @DaWe @DBR @Dean_Keaton2k @Digga38 @DigitalDopeman @DirkDizzler @DJWeltchdotcom @Doobie Doo @Dooby @EddyBlazeBeatz @enfluential @Ensi @feelosofer @Final Boss @Flav @FlyGuy @freddykruegeronapill @G-Zeus @GinaThatAintNoDamnPuppy! @H.R. Puff-N-Bluntz @HamAndEgger @Hammer @Hannibal Fox @head shots101 @Headcase @HipHopFeeling @hustlemania @Ian1362 @illadope @illwittdeez @Insensitive @Interloper @IvanLRhymesWell @JayYoung314 @jmspro @John Hull @just my thoughts @jwall123 @J_Nathan @K-Deini @KAWS @Kaydigi @kdthe1ne @Kese Soprano @kingdizzy01 @Klarifeye The Great @Kunta @kush-N-lean @KushSkywalker @Kwilu @L&HH @L. Deezy @LauderdaleBoss @Leezy337 @Lilb @Listen @lolwutdawg @mc_brew @mdotcash @MichaelWhite @Mike Statik @MilesTailsPrower @mr 321 @Mr. Somebody @MrPentatonic @N-DUB @Nicky Barnes @NoahCulture @NormanConnors @NVious @O RLY @OGmittee @overdrive @PewPew @Piano Reevez @Pigpenwm @producingfire @ProfessionallyTrill @Propaganda @PUT IN WORK @RajWatts @Ran Dakroyd @rapbeats @Red Maverick Reloaded @Rominati @Scotch Hall @Shadow King @silver @Sincere Noble @smARTmouf @SofaRealDoe @SparkMcGwire @spliz @Spree At Last @Stadium Status @STAN JONES @stealthbomber @street heat @Strike-Wun @Stuntone @SumBlackguyz @SupaVillain @SwagKingCole @T-K-G @teacher @TEKBEATZ @Tetris v2.0 @ThaRealness @That Singer Guy... @ThatKidBlackHippy @THEILLACTCOLD @TheMaster @thesandman @tirademode @Todd McPiff @Tony_Bromo @Trev86 @TreyAce @truck jewelry @tryfbindope @Two Stacks @Uncle Grime. @Urbanmiracle @Vagina Thief @vaudevillevillain @W.I.Z.E. @Wepa Man @West Coast Avenger @Wiirdo @wild100sboy @William Bassington @wingzboy @Word @WWc00n23 @x2y @YeahN1ggaImmaLurker! @Zeu$ @zoneoutmusik @arkaic @BallGame @bassLord @BelieveInChop @BlackDiBiase @BLACKVADER @blacmanrhymer @BossGod @BuckNorris @b_low_brown @Cal Cutta @Carr @chandlerj @ClemenzaSupreme @Code Blue @Cutty @cyence @dakidbanks @datprod @Dingo @dmoney3m @Doc Holiday @Drasmatic @El_Mero_Mero @EVILRICO @Eye Cue 182 @Ezus Jezus @Fi6Ace @Golgo13 @GR13 @HDKG @HEAVYHUSTLERADIO.COM @Heelhook @Ill Clinton @JakeKnew @jaylav_ @Jimmy ValenTime @KILLAKUTT7 @krbeats @Leftymc @LilJuicyTaco @livindajetlife @Loud Coolin Cliquish @mario @Mask and Da Glock @Medic @megatronium @Meta4tony @methaphorce @NErd @Nyce Hoffa @NYCDaFuture @peaceson14303 @PimpstarP @Pop203 @PTAH @PurePlaya @Ready,Willing,Humble @Roxx the King @S.W.A.G. @s0f0cused @sifon @Slang Dussain Ali @Steezy @SwagKingKong @TAYLONDO SAMSWORTHY @TdashDUB @the author @The Dj you love to hate! @the_daddy @Three Knowledge @TomGroove @trife06 @TripleAgent @t_ripley @Uzi713 @Venem @whodatb @WOAHMYGOODNESS @Y.K. @Yoda @Truality @Itzdadiabolical @Big Jo @Erebus @NYCDaFuture @andreidpopa @NYCDaFuture @InterestedNow @Copasetic @Will Ross @street heat @ADK @Freeze @TrillaMonsoon @AVESOUNDS @100 others @NickBlanco @Watson @LandryFieldsDad @IronFist @LogicFirst @thatkidkasper @really @Buckeye Fever @Wally Russell @bboystyle @The Ruler 09 @nikkaz In Paris @Peter Parker @powerager @Young/Nacho\Drawz @nineteeneightysix @Paradime @GhettoNintendo @9th Street @macadomusic @FlimFlam @Midwest Choppers @FaTaL @<<TheStandard>> @Big Mel @Darkstarz Records @Code Blue @lolwutdawg @AstroRockit @nikkahs B. Wildin @Blackmamba24 @Chadisorad @O.T.I.S. @Tommy Knocks @Grand_Verbalizer @kemet_rocky @Yaboysix @testube @street heat @ThatInfamous @UpAndComing @sneakers&sex @doublenegative @NYCDaFuture @Coherent @TheObserver @DialeKt757 @BUDDHAMANG @hu3ypdadon @InDePickWest @Gentle Jones @jack.kill.the.stripper @SymbolicOne09 @playplayaj @Kufismack @Eastside Get The Money @â ZULU â @VerticalGrille @superlyrical @D1renegade @Northern Touch @GetThatnikkaRex @Boo-Kake @CaliWeed @RADIcule @D.Rich @GoldTouch @Broccoliand40s @85 East @2Quik4UHoes @TheGumpkin @GeraldJohanssen @KenSon @bionicbunny @Pinyapplesuckas @superegobeats @StupidQuestion